Will Trump Hating Republicans Vote Democrat in the General Election? Do They Hate Trump so Much That They'll Vote for Communist Tyrants Instead of an America First Republican?

HoHound's Avatar
I'm sure that Trump hating Republicans exist on this forum. Maybe some RINOs on this forum will chime in and answer this question. I'm guessing their answer is YES. I hope I'm wrong.
ManSlut's Avatar
I will answer your questions in detail after you tell us what your previous handle was?

Fuck it, I don’t want that crybaby Aussie Trump dicksucker Rtm’ing this post for hijacking, so my answer to your questions are ‘Yes’ and ‘Hell Yes’…Only retarded MAGA Cranks would vote for 4 more years of that ShitShow known as Donald Jackoff Trump, the absolute worst POTUS of all time!!

I don’t even know what that sorry mother fucker is running on because he never speaks of what he will do if he is elected (not that I care anyway because he’ll never get my vote) other than go after his political enemies. In other words, what is his actual running platform. Oh but everything will be, “Big, & beautiful, perfect, the greatest ever, etc…”(He is hands down the worst public speaking President ever, too!)

China Joe isn’t a ‘tyrant’, that’s the OrangeMan, but he is definitely corrupt and has been lining his family’s pockets and now he’s a feeble minded space chicken, but he’s better than Mr Corrupt Trump the Swamp Cleaner who is a born with a spoon in his mouth narcissist, incapable of telling the truth and playing by the law and the rules.

Trump is a Loser, ask anyone who isn’t a MAGA Crank.

And yes, I am a Trump Hating RINO Republican.
... That's one vote for the corruption.... No surprise there!

Surely hope the Monitours allow ME to do the same manner
of insults... It's onley fair. !!!

### Salty
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^I asked this once before Salty, and being this is a thread about ‘who would you vote for?’ , I will ask it again, “In what State of this country do you have Voting Rights?”

### Manny
ICU 812's Avatar
I, for one, will vote for whomeever the Republican nominee is in the general election. . . .even Mr. Trump.

However, as I have done in 2016, I will vote for some Republican candidate other than Mr. Trump in the Texas Primary.

I am convinced that the liberal-progressive deep state judiciary and DOJ will do their best to keep Mr. Trump out of the race. He may be disqualified through the 134th Amendment or actually incarcerated. That would be a mistake on therr part.

It is my belief that if Trump is the Republican nominee, then President Biden will win. The "swing voters" will not go for Mr. Trump. However, If the Republicans nominate anyone else, President Biden and VP Harris will, together, look ridiculous by comparison. If there is any sort of "debate" or side-by-side, live on stage comparison, the outcome will be a slam dunk for the Republicans in November. The centrist-undecided voters will opt for the only adults in the room.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
OP, if you dislike someone; why would you vote for him or her? If you value your time, you'd probably just not bother to even vote.

This is just my opinion, but I believe smart Republicans are fully aware that Trump is a detriment to their party and that he is a RINO. Why would they support him when they can choose to just not vote?

I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I didn't vote in 2016 or 2020. I'd never vote for an idiot like Trump, and I could never in good faith vote for Clinton or Biden because I don't care for them either. There is no law that says I lose my voting rights because I didn't vote, so I chose to abstain. It's that simple... looks like I won't be voting in 2024 either.
I, for one, will vote for whomeever the Republican nominee is in the general election. . . .even Mr. Trump.

However, as I have done in 2016, I will vote for some Republican candidate other than Mr. Trump in the Texas Primary.

I am convinced that the liberal-progressive deep state judiciary and DOJ will do their best to keep Mr. Trump out of the race. He may be disqualified through the 134th Amendment or actually incarcerated. That would be a mistake on therr part.

It is my belief that if Trump is the Republican nominee, then President Biden will win. The "swing voters" will not go for Mr. Trump. However, If the Republicans nominate anyone else, President Biden and VP Harris will, together, look ridiculous by comparison. If there is any sort of "debate" or side-by-side, live on stage comparison, the outcome will be a slam dunk for the Republicans in November. The centrist-undecided voters will opt for the only adults in the room. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I think all the predictors are overlooking one thing: ABORTION. Remember the 2020 big Red Wave that never was?
winn dixie's Avatar
I think all the predictors are overlooking one thing: ABORTION. Remember the 2020 big Red Wave that never was? Originally Posted by chumfun
^^^^^^^^^^ YEP


This poster gets it. And I've been posting the same for a while.
I will never vote for trump .
I have to agree.

The Republicans should just drop it. It is obvious that the majority of the voting public sees nothing wrong with REASONABLE abortion laws.

That’s the problem. When the SCOTUS turned it back to the States, pro lifers started with draconian laws.

Get off of the Abortion thing, or loose. It’s that simple.
HoHound's Avatar
I agree also. I don't like abortion. I think people should take responsibility for their pregnancies. I don't like the trafficking of baby parts and organs that is taking place either. But at the same time, I could care less if someone gets an abortion. There's too many freaking people anyway. The Republicans should drop it and move on.
DNinja69's Avatar
So many hot topic words in the OP. Communist. RINO. And of course Trump hating Republicans which is a real thing I get it but Republicans will not protest and vote Biden on any real level. At some point Trump fans with either realize that he failed in 2020 to bring in the moderates and disgruntled voters that gave him support in 2016 or they will continue to buy into the 'stolen election' nonsense.

As for the word RINO too often I hear it used in the context of calling out Conservatives who don't follow the party playbook. For me it is a simple checklist.

Smaller less intrusive government especially with tax obligation vs service provided. Make efforts to keep the economy robust without too much meddling or manipulation. Sensible energy solutions with an emphasis on more independence and focus on home based sources. Focus on values while also respecting the Constitution and rights of individuals. A strong and functional military also operated with the idea of limited taxation and overall infrastructure.

We currently have candidates running for the Republican nomination that say climate changes is a hoax, think abortion should be illegal, want gay people herded back into the closet, believe punishing companies for conducting business in ways that don't support party politics is appropriate, etc.

If the Republican party wants more support then some of these 'my way or the highway' talking points need to ease off and let the primary function of Republican leadership take center stage. So again we will see the right line up behind anyone nominated and cast votes because the alternative is much more unfortunate. Trump continues to get in his own way but we know he can do the job. All the other BS that comes with him is the issue
As an independent, I agree with almost everything Ninja stated in his last two paragraphs. Except that I don't think Trump "can do the job". He failed on many fronts in his first term...primarily by polarizing this country rather than diplomatically reaching solutions that reflected the views of the majority of the population (as opposed to rich old white men) and provided no real leadership in navigating the Covid crisis (even mediocre leaders lead by example). His age and increasing mentality of revenge suggest that a next term will be even worse in regards to further dividing a great country with a long history of room for all. In my view, Biden’s may be slightly worse in terms of mental acuity, but is MUCH less likely to further polarize the country with unsubstantiated inflammatory babble. So given that match up, I'd vote Biden....I think one must always vote for the perceived lesser of two evils, otherwise the greater of the evils has an advantage.

Of course, if EITHER party presents a REASONABLE,credible, hopefully younger candidate with hopefully a modicum of experience in managing a political entity (CEO experience is bullshit) I would change my mind in New York second...reference to New York intended.
I have to agree.

The Republicans should just drop it. It is obvious that the majority of the voting public sees nothing wrong with REASONABLE abortion laws.

That’s the problem. When the SCOTUS turned it back to the States, pro lifers started with draconian laws.

Get off of the Abortion thing, or loose. It’s that simple. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It's population reduction. Abortion is just another facet. There use to be a time the Government had programs for unwed mothers. Soon the Government will compensate them for having Abortions.
Precious_b's Avatar
^^^I asked this once before Salty, and being this is a thread about ‘who would you vote for?’ , I will ask it again, “In what State of this country do you have Voting Rights?”

### Manny Originally Posted by ManSlut
MeThinks he's a wanna be Bot from Dancing Bear who can't vote in the US of A and is just living the ruskie expat live in the land of downunder.

We let him get his kicks though.
biomed1's Avatar
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