Why Do Democrats Start Fires And Blame It On Climate Change?

HoHound's Avatar
It seems like every fire now is Arson. The Deep State Media blames the fires on climate change even though arrests are being made on almost every fire. The Canadian, California, Australia, Louisiana fire and the fires in Greece are all arson. Did I leave one out? It ain't MAGA Trumpers starting fires and blaming climate change. Why do Democrats start fires to push the climate change narrative? Can't the climate change narrative survive on it's own without starting fires?

Staff Edit - Image Violation - Image Removed - Biomed1
... I surely believe this deserves some answers, mate.

... So I'm gonna contact the Worlds Most Athourity on Climate Change.
That little moppet - Greta... you know, the girl who looks to be
10 or 12 years of age - but in reality is pushing 20-something.

She's always out there - the "Dr. Fauci of Climate" as she protests
and does interviews 'round Europe and what-not.

... Let's see what SHE has to say...


(Please understand - I'm merely guessing that Greta is a girl.
As there's a great chance in today's society with mixed
genders and pro-nouns to go with them - I surely don't wanna
do mis-labellings and what-not... Just making a so-called
"football ground" educated guess that Greta's a girl)

#### Salty
The Deep State Media is right again....even if they were arson, they would be minor fires if it wasn't so hot and dry.

The right wing shit media blames it on DEW and Jewish Space lasers.
The Deep State Media is right again....even if they were arson, they would be minor fires if it wasn't so hot and dry.

The right wing shit media blames it on DEW and Jewish Space lasers. Originally Posted by earthlink
Direct Energy Technology does exist. Who's to say they wouldn't use it to further the Climate Change narrative. What will it take for people to realize the Government has distanced itself from the people. So it's hot and dry, what a perfect opportunity to fuck something up.
Typical trumpy post. It tries to dumb down every problem in the world to fit their denial narratives while adding bull shit to taste (depending on the issue/subject). The details of the fires in the different regions around the world vary.
Arson is not the cause of most fires. Human activity causes most fires in some regions. In others lightning causes a majority. Not arson but carelessness, electrical fires, loss of control on a burn, camp fires, cigarettes, etc.

Climate change doesn't cause fires but creates conditions that enable the fires to spread faster. Higher temps, drier vegetation, and higher wind contributes to more severe damage.

The truly stupid claims made that defy any semblance of common sense (as non-trumpys see it) are:
Every fire is arson.
Media blames fires on climate change (trumpys think "cause" and "contribute" mean the same thing. Paper burns at 451 degrees. Hasn't been that hot, even in Texas.
Arrests made on almost every fire (some arrests have been made on some fires). See fact check below for debunked arrest numbers
The Canadian, California, Australia, Louisiana fire and the fires in Greece are all arson. (laughable bullshit. Not maggot trumpys but are dems all over the world? Blaming climate change? Dunning-Kruger or some such.)
Why do trumpys deny climate change (the cowards at the debate and their little dance trying to keep from committing to an answer)?
Why are the deniers unable to tell the truth? About almost anything?

We're now at the "put up or shut up" phase of this topic. I'll supply some links that support my claims while the trumpys continue to slither along and continue to do what they do best. Lie.

Their big no show will be a link showing deep state media claiming climate change causes wild fires. And because you won't add the link, I did. See below.



"At this stage we don't have an overall number from the authorities and we haven't been able to find any evidence that supports the claim that 75% of fires were started by arsonists.

"But we do know that in Queensland, police say just 114 fires out of 1,048 (about 10%) have been deliberately or recklessly lit through human involvement between September and 8 January."

"Wildfires have been raging in parts of southern Italy recently - forcing thousands to flee. Many are blamed on arsonists.

Agricultural union Coldiretti suggests up to 60% of wildfires are man-made. But why would anybody provoke a deadly fire?

Locals in Calabria tell the BBC that everyone from clumsy farmers to feuding neighbours are to blame for the blazes.

The severe heat and drought, worsened by climate change, only make matters worse."


From the debunked video:

(bold text proves my point that trumpy/deniers think contribute and cause mean the same thing)
"The text in the video claims: “The popular narrative is that Australia’s fires are caused by climate change. But the facts say otherwise… Since November 8, 2019, nearly 200 arsonists have been arrested for starting brush fires in Australia. The arsonists were responsible for about 50% of the bushfires. Not climate change. Arsonists. Repeat that: Not climate change. Arsonists. But the left doesn’t care, because this fact doesn’t agree with their ‘science.'”

The factcheck statement:

"The fact is, hot, dry conditions allow for bushfires to escalate, regardless of how they are started. As we explained in 2017, in a story about wildfires in the western U.S., climate change doesn’t cause these fires, but it can exacerbate the hot and dry conditions that make wildfires more likely to develop and grow."


It seems like every fire now is Arson. The Deep State Media blames the fires on climate change even though arrests are being made on almost every fire. The Canadian, California, Australia, Louisiana fire and the fires in Greece are all arson. Did I leave one out? It ain't MAGA Trumpers starting fires and blaming climate change. Why do Democrats start fires to push the climate change narrative? Can't the climate change narrative survive on it's own without starting fires?

Staff Edit - Image Violation - Image Removed - Biomed1 Originally Posted by HoHound
No shit, sherlock. No one said the technology didn't exist.
I said it was line of sight. You don't "loft" a beam over a ridge into a valley or over a house.
The list of reasons why they wouldn't use such a thing for that purpose is so vast as to be almost undefinable.

The fact you won't let it go is as equally mystifying as you bringing it up in the first place.
Direct Energy Technology does exist. Who's to say they wouldn't use it to further the Climate Change narrative. What will it take for people to realize the Government has distanced itself from the people. So it's hot and dry, what a perfect opportunity to fuck something up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
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