Question for the Lawyers

My best friend was just sentenced to 15 months in State Jail for being arrested for DUI while on probation. Also second probation violation. Question, in State Jail does he have to serve the full 15 months? Is early release possible? When he gets out will he have to then face The DUI charge?

I know he is fucked I'm just trying to figure out how long?
Sarunga's Avatar
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4thLvlCleric's Avatar
It's my understanding that ALL state jail felonies are not parole eligible. But your post is somewhat confusing. The DUI sentence was 15 months, right? He/She may have to go back before the judge on the original charge that got him/her probation. That probated charge could get revoked.
LexusLover's Avatar Originally Posted by LexusLover
Repeat post.
Wakeup's Avatar
So...this is the one topic you WON'T offer your legal advice on? Who'd have guessed..
LexusLover's Avatar
So...this is the one topic you WON'T offer your legal advice on? Who'd have guessed.. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
If you are addressing me, guesser....

.... #1, I gave him some legal advice ... I think he was looking for an opinion.

Giving an anonymous person an opinion on a public board based on this hypothetical, incomplete (if not inaccurate) scenario involving "a friend" does not interest me.

How about you?
Oralist's Avatar
Not sure of how long he is fucked. But, IMHO, he deserves to be fucked for a long time.

Probably will have to get a car with a BNG feature!

The billboards make it pretty clear: Drink, Drive, Go To Jail.

When he does get out, time for some counseling before he does it again and kills someone.
Wakeup's Avatar
Giving an anonymous person an opinion on a public board based on this hypothetical, incomplete (if not inaccurate) scenario involving "a friend" does not interest me. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So you're saying you've never done that before on the board? Heh, okay...
LexusLover's Avatar
So you're saying you've never done that before on the board? Heh, okay... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No, I didn't say that. BTW: Don't you have a conclave to attend?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Your friend needs to attend AA while in the joint.
Maybe take some driving lesson too.
The 15 months state jail must be for revoking his probation because a 2nd dwi only carries a max 1 year which should be ran concurrent with the 15 months. He'll do exactly 15 months, no more, no less since state jail is day for day, no parole.

His only concern should be having the two sentences ran concurrently which will probably be done automatically, but tell him to make sure his lawyer requests it anyway.
ICU 812's Avatar
I know a man who had an accident while his DL was revoked for DUI . . .he got 9 months tin county custody hat extended for well over a year. He was trasnsfered into state custody twice when countywas crowded.
He was on probation for a felony unrelated to DUI. Got the DUI with one month left of probation, and yes he is a dumbass and deserves what he got.
Ant they call this a free country !