RW jobs after prostitution conviction?

mastermind238's Avatar
Can anyone suggest a way for a lady with a prostitution conviction to get a real world job? Is there ANY job out there that doesn't require a background check that would turn up a conviction in Texas?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-16-2013, 10:24 AM
mastermind238's Avatar
Walmart Originally Posted by trey

Not helpful, and clearly not serious. Both of those employers do criminal background checks.

What is it about the question that suggests this is an invitation to play stand-up comic?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Yes, it can happen, but not because they overlook it ... but because they don’t check. It needs to be a very small company/firm where procedures are not set in stone, then you just lie on the application and present yourself with your absolute best foot forward during your interview, pray they don’t check your background and they take everything you said as gospel. If you can interview directly with the boss/CEO/owner ... that is a major +.

I know a few girls who are professionally employed now that have prostuition convictions and they all lied on the application. I don't know any girls with good jobs that checked "yes".

The 2 really bad things about doing this are: your job is always in mercy and if you get pegged for a big promotion and need some kind of clearance, they may check you then and of course will fire you … so it can be a life of living on pins and needles.
mastermind238's Avatar
I would add that if you're a provider who has faced this situation and don't want to say so publicly, please PM me if you have a suggestion that worked for you. And keep in mind that the P in PM stands for PRIVATE.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Homeless shelters, half ways houses and women’s centers are a great source of finding out who will hire people with sketchy backgrounds, almost all of those places will have someone onsite who can give her information, she just has to give a call into these type of places and explain her dilemma.

Although all the referrals she would get would surly be minimum wage jobs, where my comment above is geared more towards ladies who can fit in, in a professional setting, ya know do sales jobs (cold calling business to business kind of thing) or high end executive assistances’.

One route that should always be avoided are employment services, that is what my back ground is in and I can tell from experience, they always do background checks to limit their liability before placing someone at a company.
inctown's Avatar
I would suggest construction jobs if the are looking for office help. Car sales likely a good place to go also.
Pica Flor's Avatar
Prostitution conviction is a misdemeanor, why would a lady, or for that matter ANYONE, not qualify for a job for having a misdemeanor conviction? Hell how many professionals people out there have gotten a good job having a DWI conviction or other?

My suggestion, get the lady to apply for whatever job she is interested on, the worse think it can happen, she does not get the job (and that happens to MANY even those with clean records), but in most cases I doubt it would be for a misdemeanor conviction (that of course if there are no other convictions in her record)
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Prostitution conviction is a misdemeanor, why would a lady, or for that matter ANYONE, not qualify for a job for having a misdemeanor conviction? Hell how many professionals people out there have gotten a good job having a DWI conviction or other?
Originally Posted by Pica Flor
It's simple .. the stigma that comes with being labled a hooker is hard to shake.

Comparing a DWI conviction ... to a prostitution conviction ... is like comparing apples to oranges.

Almost everyone drinks and drives drunk at one point in their life (even if they don’t get caught) so getting a DWI can be relatable, but selling your ass for cash for so long that you have record for it is quite another thing.
Pica Flor's Avatar
Bullshit, a conviction is a conviction, there is no stigma about it. Regardless, that should not stop her for applying for any job she wants. And I would definitely not recommend she lie in her application. Best to come forward and not get caught in a lie.
Sarunga's Avatar
Well, who knows, there may be certain employers who wouldn't mind hiring a girl with this kind of a private secretary, for example.

I know...I'm making light of the situation. I'm sorry.
Wakeup's Avatar
Why doesn't she just go back to hooking? Easy...
LexusLover's Avatar
Bullshit, a conviction is a conviction, there is no stigma about it. Regardless, that should not stop her for applying for any job she wants. And I would definitely not recommend she lie in her application. Best to come forward and not get caught in a lie. Originally Posted by Pica Flor
#1: She may be able to get the conviction "expunged" from her CH (not "sealed" but expunged) and
#2: She needs to be honest with the prospective employer if asked on the application.*

Many (most) ask now if the applicant has ever been arrested .. be honest. Also watch the wording ... if asked if arrested, charged, or convicted for a felony, ...

also how old is the conviction? That can make a difference to an employer ... 10 years ago vs. last week?

She needs to get things straight in her head, work on the dialogue and responses she is going to give to the questions she may get asked, and try to develope an attitude (if it is true) that what she did back then was "then" and now is different. She needs to "shop" the employer to ... for instance with all due respect to Sarunga ... she might want to avoid an employer who was hiring her BECAUSE she was a hooker or someone like WU who apparently thinks ... once a hooker always a hooker!
joecholo's Avatar
She can always be an independent contractor/self-employed as a female assassin. Otherwise, just be honest with your answer and if on the application form it ask you to elaborate or explain just say you are a born again Christian and found Jesus and set on going straight and doing the right thing for yourself and your child/ren (if applicable).
Tell the lady to be honest on the application. If asked if you have been convicted of a misdemeanor then be honest. Just be humble and say you made a mistake and found religion.