Constitution Question

Iaintliein's Avatar
How is it that the Federal Government can sue a state for enforcing immigration law, over ride state referendums on the medical use of certain substances, insist that everyone has a right to an abortion; Yet stand by and allow states and cities to put limitations on individual rights guaranteed in the bill of rights? Permits for assemblies, gun laws, etc. are what I'm thinking about.

What kind of twisted, tortured logic allowed something as clearly stated as the Bill of Rights to be subverted? And what can be done to undo it?
Because for some reason the vast majority of Polititians choose to simply ignore the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

They get away with this because the People allow them too, either through ignorance or greed.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
fed gov is supreme which is why they do this.
anaximander's Avatar
Ignorance will end soon
they won't be able to ignore anymore

The greed ends soon as well
when the money is gone so is loyalty

Then the cows come home to roost.

From time to time the tree of Liberty
must be watered with the blood of
patriots and tyrants
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The cows come home to roost? Uh, don't look up.
joe bloe's Avatar
The cows come home to roost? Uh, don't look up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You beat me to it

I have this vision of cows roosting in a tree. What ever you do, don't sit under them!