Please dont hate me for saying this...its has been brought up before

Good Morning Eccie

Pardon my rant, or something. Will the tough guys please stop posting negatives comments on reviews if you have never seen the ladies. I am sorry, if we all are not your type. I am really!

There is a cool profile under each verified provider. It has our reviews. When tough guys place rude comments under our reviews, everybody can see that. It is not pleasant. Us providers have to submit our reviews to different places. Classic place is P411. It really sucks to submit a good review, only to have rude comments placed below. It was not my fault the gent never saw me and had to let the world know it. IMHO this does not look good when perspective clients look at our reviews.

Feel free to throw stones and bricks at me. There is a huge box to the left. Thanks and have a great day everybody.
CenterLock's Avatar
Rant? I considered it a gentle reminder of common (albeit uncommon sometimes) courtesy.
TheBizzer's Avatar
My opinion, for whatever it's worth, is that comments should be disabled on all reviews. A review should stand as one person's experience, and it is tiresome to see the negative comments on good reviews as well as the WK's jumping in on the negative reviews.

For what it's worth, Lisa, most guys I know put far more stock in the actual review than the chatter beneath it.
I understand and concur that rude comments from hobbyists who claim to have not seen the reviewed lady are all too common. But, I'm sorry to say, I don't think you will have a lot of luck changing this.

Your best chance is to work around it ... there is a policy of not bumping threads over 30 days old. Wait to decide whether to "publicize" a review until the comments have died down and you can decide if the review and the attached comments are something you want to "present" to potential visitors.
travelling_man's Avatar
Nothing wrong with what you said. That does irritate me also to see a guy posting a negative comment when he has never met the girl.
Guest042715's Avatar
agree 1000% with Bizzer.
My opinion, for whatever it's worth, is that comments should be disabled on all reviews. A review should stand as one person's experience, and it is tiresome to see the negative comments on good reviews as well as the WK's jumping in on the negative reviews.

For what it's worth, Lisa, most guys I know put far more stock in the actual review than the chatter beneath it. Originally Posted by TheBizzer

I respect your opinion, but I disagree, I think the comments are an important part of the review process. And I think that most of us are smart enough to separate the "wheat from the chaff" when reading review comments.

With the demise of CL and the subsequent addition of a lot of CL users (ladies, hobbyists, "management"?) on here, I think we need people to step up and provide comments when we see obviously fake or glorified reviews that do not match the true experience provided to the eccie hobbyist.

Rude comments by persons who have not seen a provider ... bad ... honest comments by hobbyists who have seen the provider and add additional insight to the information contained in the OP's review ... good
TheBizzer's Avatar

Rude comments by persons who have not seen a provider ... bad ... honest comments by hobbyists who have seen the provider and add additional insight to the information contained in the OP's review ... good Originally Posted by ftworthmale
I would contend that if if a hobbyist had seen a girl and had a different perspective, positive or negative, then he has an opportunity to express that in his own review.
I would contend that if if a hobbyist had seen a girl and had a different perspective, positive or negative, then he has an opportunity to express that in his own review. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
This is true, and in a perfect world, yes that would happen, but it doesn't. Not to bash the OP, but I believe that reviews are primarily for the hobbyist, to provide information so that decisions can be made as to seeing a provider (or not) ... and not for the provider to use in advertising. If comments are not allowed in a review, and the review is not an accurate reflection of the provider experience, then anyone reading the review from a link, may be misinformed as to what to expect from her.

Again, I do not condone rude baseless comments, but encourage honest informed ones.
TheBizzer's Avatar
This is true, and in a perfect world, yes that would happen, but it doesn't. Not to bash the OP, but I believe that reviews are primarily for the hobbyist, to provide information so that decisions can be made as to seeing a provider (or not) ... and not for the provider to use in advertising. If comments are not allowed in a review, and the review is not an accurate reflection of the provider experience, then anyone reading the review from a link, may be misinformed as to what to expect from her.

Again, I do not condone rude baseless comments, but encourage honest informed ones. Originally Posted by ftworthmale
I think that in a perfect world you would be right. However, too often what I see on here is one guy with an axe to grind making negative comments on very positive review of a provider, or a WK calling foul on any negative reviews of one of his girls.

And I agree 100% that the primary function of a review should be to inform the hobbyist so that he can make an informed decision on who he wants to see. I think it is up to us as hobbyists, however, to do the proper research and take a girl's reviews as a big picture, rather than just run and see a girl based on one positive review or vice versa.

Just my .02
Bobave's Avatar
I would contend that if if a hobbyist had seen a girl and had a different perspective, positive or negative, then he has an opportunity to express that in his own review. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
Absolutely right. Let a review stand on its own, sans comments. As said, other people who feel motivated can post their own reviews or share perspectives in the locker room or even CoEd. PMs and emails exist for those who want additional info from the reviewer. I've been guilty of posting responses to reviews, but this thread reminds me to get right.
Most guys, myself included, pay more attention to the review than anything.. and we're looking at more than one review as well. negativity in the comments to the review are usually as answered with other comments. Also... there's a lot of good things after most reviews as well... and those probably have more sway over me moving someone onto a list than any negative comments would get someone off a list.
Thank you

Im glad to know that more men pay attention to the actual review than the comments below.

My opinion, for whatever it's worth, is that comments should be disabled on all reviews. A review should stand as one person's experience, and it is tiresome to see the negative comments on good reviews as well as the WK's jumping in on the negative reviews.

For what it's worth, Lisa, most guys I know put far more stock in the actual review than the chatter beneath it. Originally Posted by TheBizzer
This is exactly why I am so happy when reviews falls on page one billion. The chatter has gone away. I actually like my reviews on page one billion.

I understand and concur that rude comments from hobbyists who claim to have not seen the reviewed lady are all too common. But, I'm sorry to say, I don't think you will have a lot of luck changing this.

Your best chance is to work around it ... there is a policy of not bumping threads over 30 days old. Wait to decide whether to "publicize" a review until the comments have died down and you can decide if the review and the attached comments are something you want to "present" to potential visitors. Originally Posted by ftworthmale


I agree with your comment. I do believe it is for the hobbyist. Was she Le, how was her services, under management etc etc. However, some ladies post their reviews on their website. Others post on sites where ECCIE is not widely used. And these sites are screening us the providers. And they ask for reviews. They do look at them and read them.

This is true, and in a perfect world, yes that would happen, but it doesn't. Not to bash the OP, but I believe that reviews are primarily for the hobbyist, to provide information so that decisions can be made as to seeing a provider (or not) ... and not for the provider to use in advertising. If comments are not allowed in a review, and the review is not an accurate reflection of the provider experience, then anyone reading the review from a link, may be misinformed as to what to expect from her.

Again, I do not condone rude baseless comments, but encourage honest informed ones. Originally Posted by ftworthmale
Thank you gentlemen for responding to this thread.

I feel like I TOFTT for the ladies, there are others out there with never-ending reviews. Im sure they feel quite bad. I try to say how I feel politely and calmly. While others, well not so much.

Im sure the rude comments on reviews will never stop, I guess its easier being a meanie instead. I just wish they put the stiletto heel on the other foot. It can quite embarrassing and painful.

On the other hand, Im not a guy, how does one write and say the ladies services was horrible while being tactful. I don't care to have on those black polished shoes on. If I were a hobbyist and ran into a bait and switch and horrible services. I would not be tactful at all.......I think.
I'm with Bizzer. I review should stand on its own merit. If I wanted "Joe's" comments I'd read a review by Joe. By the same token if someone is reading Joe's review my comments are just taking up bandwidth.
I have actually had people ask me to "bump" a review to keep it up on the list or to increase view count.