POLL: O'Blunder Worst Modern-Day President

The bad news is...he's got 2-1/2 years to make it unanimous.

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President Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II, according to a plurality of voters in a new poll published Wednesday.

The Quinnipiac University survey found 33% of American voters named Obama as the worst while 28% named his predecessor, George W. Bush.

"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.

Richard Nixon, whose presidency ended in scandal, received only 13% of the vote and Jimmy Carter scored 8%. None of the remaining eight presidents received more than 3%.

Asked about the 2012 presidential race, 45% of respondents said the country would be better off if the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, had won. Slightly less — 38% — said the country would be worse off under a President Romney.

"Would Mitt have been a better fit?" Malloy asked. "More voters in hindsight say yes."

LexusLover's Avatar
This will bring the Bush-Haters out of the wood work.
Geez, who could have seen this coming? LOL
I read that too.
He is almost gone.
The WORST OBAMAnation this world has ever known.

As bad as President Obama is, I would still consider President Carter the worst in my lifetime. But President Obama is sure trying to be #1.

Both seem to have had and have a unique naïveté about the World and how utopian ideas simply do not work on those who hate simply for hate's sake.

Many of our younger people have no memory of just how bad things were under President Carter.
Bad as the numbers are he still polls ahead of the others in Washington. How bad are those fuckers? No I am not defending him dull knife just stating facts.
I think the last 2 presidents have both been incredibly ill prepared to be president. Both won on style in place of experience or substance.

Add to that the fact that the opposition party in both cases worked hard to create gridlock (hats off to the Republicans I guess for being better at turning Congress into a train wreck) and the inevitable result is 16 years of pathetic "leadership".

Almost any other country would have been driven into the ground by that many years of accidental and intentional incompetence. It is going to take a while to recover, but recovery won't even start until the current group of politicians from Tea Party imbeciles to Progressive hallucinators are shoved to the curb.
Only 33% named him worst President (67% did not)?

Geez, who are these idiots ?

No need to answer...the list includes many red diaper doper babies from ECCIE, as well as the usual collection of grievance minorities and misfits who have fallen for Obama's class warfare rhetoric and love the freebies Obama has handed out.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bad as the numbers are he still polls ahead of the others in Washington. How bad are those fuckers? No I am not defending him dull knife just stating facts. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Who in Washington is being polled individually besides Obama. Boehner? Half the country has never heard of him. Ditto Pelosi. Harry Reid is a non starter. So back up your statement EVA. Who else being polled as an individual.....or are you just talking out of your ass?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-02-2014, 12:47 PM
This will bring the Bush-Haters out of the wood work. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Looks like it brought you, the League Champion out...

Who in Washington is being polled individually besides Obama. Boehner? Half the country has never heard of him. Ditto Pelosi. Harry Reid is a non starter. So back up your statement EVA. Who else being polled as an individual.....or are you just talking out of your ass? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LMAO why don't you start a individual poll ? They are all grouped as a bunch dems and repubs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-02-2014, 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Yea and the stock market was heading for a close below 8k.

Dumb point. We were in a horrible recession....nobody was buying shit and the world markets were about to freeze up.

Any more misleading pictures you feel the need to post?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Let the haters jerk off, WTF.

Fact is, they're still here in America because they have neither the brains, balls or business to leave.

So they stay here and cry all day every day.

Cryyyyyy bayyyybeereeeee!
This time it's not Republicans bashing Obama. This video clip shows members of the Democratic party flat out stating their disappointment in Obama.

