10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

In an effort to continue to promote CIM for our lady friends, I thought this was interesting information for us hobbyists to live by...

Here then are 10 simple do’s and don'ts to improve the taste of your sperm and make your semen taste better and sweeter:

1. Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine- they're all pollutants.

2. Drink lots of water 1 – 2 liters a day to flush out body toxins.

3. Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste
Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste.

4. Eat plenty of vegetables which are generally good for improving sperm taste. While it is true vegetarians generally have better tasting sperm there are vegetables to avoid:

Any vegetables from the cabbage family big offenders also include Cauliflower, broccoli, or asparagus:

5. Cut red meat consumption this is one pf the main offenders when it comes to making sperm taste salty. Dairy produce such as milk and cheese also make sperm taste salty.

Make sure when you eat protein you get good quality lean protein such as chicken and turkey.

Fish is claimed by some to be an offender in terms of taste, but this seems to vary between individuals. Try it and see the affects before cutting it out, fish is a major part of a healthy diet, so don’t cut it out!

6. Avoid heavy spices such as Garlic and onions, they're big offenders when it comes to sperm taste, as they have a high sulfur content.

7. Do not buy products that claim to make your semen taste better there is no evidence that they work.
Your semen can be made to taste better by overall changes in diet and lifestyle, it’s a complex formula and a good healthy diet has the biggest affect.

8. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery are particularly recommended for sweeter semen taste, because of their high chlorophyll content.

9. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are particularly recommended for making semen taste sweeter.

10. Avoid junk food, they're loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen’s taste.

ANONONE's Avatar
You planning on doing some cooking?

You planning on doing some cooking?

Originally Posted by ANONONE
WOW! Thats a lot to give up. I think you should make it easier on yourself and just cum see me.... lol..
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-26-2010, 10:15 AM
Gee, poor ladys; most of the time their taste follows a great steak and a side of asparagus, along with a sufficiency of alcohol. Maybe what they eat and drink beforehand adds into the equation.

1. Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine Originally Posted by KohanaKoa

You lost me at step 1.
Madame X's Avatar
I can attest the value of a good diet when it comes to man fluid flavor Plenty of fruit! Also, the enzymes in pineapple help break down protein... also useful to know in the kitchen, but I'm sure you can see how it's helpful for the topic at hand!

~Mme X~
Do you people really think I am going stop drinking,stop recreational drug use, and no smoking so that my cum will taste better,,Fuck that, I don't eat it anyway. I would just like to add a little brevity to this thread, priority is key. No drinking, no smoking, no recreational drugs, is no way to go through life...Get real people...

A better alternative is get your ass out bed(drink 2 cups of coffee, get that heart rate up) about 6:30, run six miles,the next day lift weights until you puke that poison out of your system.Drink a MYOPLEX (google it),eat oatmeal, salmon, and plenty of fruits and vegatables.. At 5:00 that afternoon relax with a bottle of 18 year old scotch, smoke a half pack of cigs. and your "throat yogurt" will taste like Eagle Brand...
WHAT I WILL HEAR: "Gee, you taste only slightly less horrible than usual."

WHAT I WON'T HEAR: "Mmmm, that's great sperm!!"

Hey Gripit, can I bum a light from you?
If I'm paying for CIMNQNS, why should I worry what it tastes like? It's part of the package.

However, it's a different deal w/ the SO, and she doesn't do it anyway. So again, why should I worry what it tastes like?
ANONONE's Avatar
I apologize in advance, ladies.

The doctor has me on a protein rich diet. That means I am consuming between 190 and 220 grams per day. Some of it comes from whey, but most of it comes from lean red meat, and salmon.

I do eat a bunch of fruit, but it is mostly citrus. If I ate that much pineapple. . .well let's just say the gastric engineering would have ghastly side effects.

On the brighter side, it is pretty hard for me to CIM anyway.
  • fleur
  • 01-26-2010, 04:55 PM
Sounds like you need to write a book titled "The Sperm Diet". It will make the best sellers list fo sho!
11. Avoid junk food, as it is loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen's taste. Consider taking a zinc and selenium supplement, as both are needed for healthy sperm and can make the taste better.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Do you people really think I am going stop drinking,stop recreational drug use, and no smoking so that my cum will taste better,,Fuck that, I don't eat it anyway. I would just like to add a little brevity to this thread, priority is key. No drinking, no smoking, no recreational drugs, is no way to go through life...Get real people...

A better alternative is get your ass out bed(drink 2 cups of coffee, get that heart rate up) about 6:30, run six miles,the next day lift weights until you puke that poison out of your system.Drink a MYOPLEX (google it),eat oatmeal, salmon, and plenty of fruits and vegatables.. At 5:00 that afternoon relax with a bottle of 18 year old scotch, smoke a half pack of cigs. and your "throat yogurt" will taste like Eagle Brand... Originally Posted by GRIPITRIPIT
Well okay GRIPITRIPIT, but you don't have to get all mealy mouth about it!

Just say what you mean!
This thread is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!