Girls- have you been saved?

  • hd
  • 05-17-2010, 09:09 AM
We've all seen the "Cops" show with the officers trying to help people with bad habits, and I've had people pray over me to become born again, and it goes on and on.

Have any of you had a client try to change your life style to what he considers good for you? And does he pay for your time just to talk to you about it?

Would you tell him to take a hike, or how have you or how do you think you might handle it. I'm curious on how some of the encounters went, and if anyone ever had one.

I am not passing judgement on anyone, we all do the things we do because we like it, we make a living from it, etc, and I like everyone else has no right to judge.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have been "annointed with holy cum" during a session with a preacher!!!
a picture of that you could share
I have been "annointed with holy cum" during a session with a preacher!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
  • hd
  • 05-17-2010, 09:59 AM
DR, tell me the liquid didn't burn you?

That would be an interesting thread on variety of professions partaking of the hobby!
DallasRain's Avatar

He said he just needed some relief from everyday hassles....

last week i saw a marriage counselor...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I did have one fellow go "God-listic" on me after we had "sinned." Among the more polite names he called me were Jezebel, harlot, slut, devil's whore, evil temptress, for which I thanked him. He was serious, however, and told me I needed to "repent" like Mary Magdalene and get "saved" or I'd be condemned to the "fires of Gehenna." I asked him how he justified his behavior with God, and he said, "I can't," jumped up, got dressed, and hightailed it out of there like the demon succubi legions of Hell were after him.

He called me a couple times afterward to check on the progress of my salvation, and told me he could see me again after I "accepted the Lord." I suppose that meant if I went to a priest and confessed all my sins, I could commit new ones?

And that is why I think I'm a pagan. Dancing naked around a fire in the moonlight sounds like a sexy spiritual ritual to me, and way more fun than the Sunday sermon.

And that is why I think I'm a pagan. Dancing naked around a fire in the moonlight sounds like a sexy spiritual ritual to me, and way more fun than the Sunday sermon.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
This is why I KNOW I'm a pagan and proud of it! Dance with me sister and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Sex is sacred and spiritual and meant to be enjoyed as our natural senses tell us to be so.
he ... jumped up, got dressed, and hightailed it out of there like the demon succubi legions of Hell were after him. Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Tell me at least he left a donation (you should have asked for a tithe ).
DallasRain's Avatar
quote--And that is why I think I'm a pagan. Dancing naked around a fire in the moonlight sounds like a sexy spiritual ritual to me, and way more fun than the Sunday sermon

Damn giorl...can I come?????????????? Sounds fun to me!!
someday i have to have dallas rain. she makes me smile, she makes me laugh she makes me hard she makes me cum. and ive never even met her.
I have been "annointed with holy cum" during a session with a preacher!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
someday i have to have dallas rain. she makes me smile, she makes me laugh she makes me hard she makes me cum. and ive never even met her. Originally Posted by petiteassman
AND she's got a nice ass too....don't she?
Just sayin'!
Nope no one has ever tried to 'save' me....I'm assumeing it's because they know I'm aleady beyond saving, before they even see me!
Me neither...does that mean I'm not "bad" enough yet? I'm feeling left out now!
Me neither...does that mean I'm not "bad" enough yet? I'm feeling left out now! Originally Posted by Likinikki
No sweetie, I think it's because we are TOO bad! We past the saveing mark a long time ago!
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooo I love yall girls...we can make our own version of "girls gone wild"!!

Tiff are so HOT!!!.....we need to meet!!!Come party with me on bourbon ladies!!

And made my day wonderful with your sweet phone call!!!!{hopefully the stars will align and we will play one day}