
Whispers's Avatar
In post #12 of http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1592799 Little Monster posted a "meme" that included the word "nigga"

Spice removed it with the following comment"

[Image removed]

Staff edit, Spice- Racial slurs are not permitted even in jest.

Eccie Forum Guidelines
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
Originally Posted by Little Monster
The Guideline quoted deals with racial remarks but is typically enforced when a racial remark is targeted at a specific member that could be offended by it.

A search of the word "nigga" finds it existing in 160 posts at the moment including a discussion OF the word itself.

I may be wrong, but I believe the comment was directed at me and I was not offended nor am I of the race that might have been had it been directed at them.

I might be wrong but I don't believe anyone else in the thread was AA and could have been the target of the comment/meme

I believe Spice's actions were more "censorship" than moderation.

Spice is new and more than a few believe he volunteered to help out in Austin because he desires to make a name for himself "cleaning up the place".....

I don't think anyone has a problem with the concept of more "moderation" of Austin forums.

I don't believe though that this was moderation. It was censorship done in his initial "get noticed" phase.

Little Monster is a long time member of the Austin Community and not someone that tends to agree with me nor I him at times. He is NOT known to be racist or to disparage other's ethnic backgrounds in any manner.

The word is obviously allowed on the board as evidenced in a search and current use in other threads.

Spice should restore the meme and apologize to Little Monster. Spice's actions imply that Little Momster is a racist or was making a racist slur. Spice's comments are more damaging to Little Monster than the meme was to anyone in this community.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
You're entitled to your opinion of course but if you're making the argument that the "N" word is permissible on this board you're wrong.

It's irrelevant whether it was directed at you or you were personally offended by it. The guideline applies even to general comments not just those directed at a specific individual nor is a specific person's feelings about it the deciding factor..

Also, your tu quoque argument is fallacious. All you've demonstrated is that it slipped through the cracks 160 times. Someone should RTM them. Do you really think the word has only been used on this board 160 times in the past 5+ years? I've probably edited it out half that number of times in Houston alone over the past year.

You're right about one thing though, it is censorship...but it's also moderation. There are very few things which are just forbidden on this board and justify actual removal of content and that's one of them. I'm an enormous proponent of freedom of expression but the lines have to be drawn somewhere.
Bob McV's Avatar
Spice is new and more than a few believe he volunteered to help out in Austin because he desires to make a name for himself "cleaning up the place"..... Originally Posted by Whispers

I am not defending Mr. ItUp, I also see nothing to defend. However, I would like to understand your definition of New?

Join Date: Jul 5, 2010
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Maybe it is my own hubris but at a bit over 2 years and 2K posts I don't consider myself new.

Beyond that, I question why this was a public post. I believe protocol would have been to RTM the offending post to alert the other moderators.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Personally, I find all racial slurs offensive.
Obviously the OP does not. It figures.

Perhaps a staff edit of the original post in this thread is in order?

But, then again. The proof is in the pudding, isn't it?
fun2come's Avatar
All just a whole bunch of CryBabies....

I personally do not find any word "offensive", so WHO makes a word offensive?
The user, the receiver, the general public???

I could find Whore, Nazi, TowelHead, Pollack, or Kraut, even Sauerkraut offensive, all allowed by this board, I simply choose not to.
Hey Bavarians are defined as "primitive mountain people" in a not too old Russian tour guide to Germany. I just laugh ...

I know, I know, show compassion to the weaklings...

As for bringing in new or old MODs: It just increase the discrepancy of moderation/censorship and it will all level out over time.
Who really gives a SHIT crap about it, you can always plead your whiner's case to the higher powers (or simply push the guidelines a bit less).

and that's all what LM did, push it a bit...
Racist, hmmmm, that's just your opinion, here is his:

There was absolutely no racialist slurs in my post sir!! Aw well, no skin off my dick! LMAO

Happy New Year....

Originally Posted by Little Monster
He doesn't strike me as a guy to come crawling to any other member for help.
Now where are his Pink Knights?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 01-01-2016, 04:04 PM

How many of those are bandles or imagined? Just be a man for a change and say that you are pissed because a MOD finally has the balls to stand up to you.

What a tool...but starting off my 2016 with a few laughs!
More whining by OP...
Stewie griffen's Avatar
Rules are there for a reason, i dont see this to be an unreasonable application.

However i will commend the op for standing up for someone he doesnt agree with.
fun2come's Avatar
Rules are there for a reason, i dont see this to be an unreasonable application.

However i will commend the op for standing up for someone he doesnt agree with. Originally Posted by Stewie griffen
budman33's Avatar
Pointless thread. if you don't agree with the moderation. RTM and it goes to other mods. Don't like result then go up a level and so on up to St. Christopher. Asking us to chime in on Mod's job is just fucking stupid.

As for what was edited, yes, its a racial slur. against rules and got edited. Done. Come on man it's 2016.. Stop trying to become a Mod, pretty sure that ship sailed.
Whispers's Avatar
You're entitled to your opinion of course but if you're making the argument that the "N" word is permissible on this board you're wrong. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

I don't think we have a guideline that addresses any specific words. It would be a very simple guideline to add and very easy to enforce if there was wouldn't you agree?

It's irrelevant whether it was directed at you or you were personally offended by it. The guideline applies even to general comments not just those directed at a specific individual nor is a specific person's feelings about it the deciding factor.. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I don't believe "words" alone should be banned. I know it's the easier way to moderate and if society took that approach and we simply outlawed everything that some segment of society found offensive the world would lose a lot of color. (not referring to color of different races)

Also, your tu quoque argument is fallacious. All you've demonstrated is that it slipped through the cracks 160 times. Someone should RTM them. Do you really think the word has only been used on this board 160 times in the past 5+ years? I've probably edited it out half that number of times in Houston alone over the past year. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I am sure it's been used. Just because YOU have removed the word numerous times does not mean it's been the right thing to do. You are not infallible are you? It takes a couple of seconds to enter the word in the search engine and have a list of results. If you believe so much in it have it it.... It won't be the first time MODs in San Antonio and New York have been focused on the wrong things.... Surprisingly there are a number of hits in Dallas..... Looks like ya missed a pretty blatant use of it in Houston....

Heck there is this thread http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...post1057292625

where it's used and there is MOD as well as Admin participation in the thread....

Take a look..... Even in Houston there are are threads... One where an Admin locked a thread that was bumped nad the post bumping used the word... NO edit of censorship from DED http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...post1052400919 Ya might ask him why he's not handling things the right way....

You're right about one thing though, it is censorship...but it's also moderation. There are very few things which are just forbidden on this board and justify actual removal of content and that's one of them. I'm an enormous proponent of freedom of expression but the lines have to be drawn somewhere. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Can you please point to where it is forbidden? I don't think it is any different than the word whore is.

And on this board we seem to have a hell of a lot more people that get up in arms about the word whore being used then we do the "N" word.... Why is that do ya think?
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
No, read the OP's thread. It is his way of violating the rules and getting away with it. Notice how he can write the word and it hasn't been edited?

As you can see in the original post he uses the word but the post above this he points to just the letter.

Ta Da!

If you notice he goes around calling people ethnic names in posts also.

Pointless thread. if you don't agree with the moderation. RTM and it goes to other mods. Don't like result then go up a level and so on up to St. Christopher. Asking us to chime in on Mod's job is just fucking stupid.

As for what was edited, yes, its a racial slur. against rules and got edited. Done. Come on man it's 2016.. Stop trying to become a Mod, pretty sure that ship sailed. Originally Posted by budman33
Whispers's Avatar
I am not defending Mr. ItUp, I also see nothing to defend. However, I would like to understand your definition of New?

Join Date: Jul 5, 2010
Location: Houston
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Maybe it is my own hubris but at a bit over 2 years and 2K posts I don't consider myself new.

Beyond that, I question why this was a public post. I believe protocol would have been to RTM the offending post to alert the other moderators.

Originally Posted by Bob McV
New to Austin... I've known Spice's posts for a long time...... Come on.. It's not that hard....
Little Monster's Avatar
Meh... No harm no foul

Unfortunately I can't repost the meme, but anyone who saw it knows that there was absolutely nothing racist about the meme, the meme didn't even have anything to do with AA's, it was making fun of guys who act like jack asses in front of the camera which was very relevant to the subject of the thread that it was posted in. For those in this thread who are barking about racial slurs and being offended, please know what is going on before you open your mouths, uninformed people with opinions is never a good mix.

The context that the word was used in that meme had nothing to do with racism, it was used as a synonymous term for "Dudes", "Fellas", "homeboys", etc. etc. I am fully aware that racial slurs are not permitted that goes without saying. I figured on a board like this folks would be a little less uptight and use common sense, but apparently not.

From what I gather Mr. SpiceitUp knew that I was not being racist, I am sure he could have came down a little harder on me but chose not to. I wouldn't even call what he did a slap on the wrist, it was more of a "Please tone it down a little" response. We wished each other a happy new year and moved on, I have no issues with his handling of my post, which explains my next post in the thread. I simply laughed it off, if I'm gonna get on a mods bad side it's not gonna be over a stupid meme.
Pointless thread. if you don't agree with the moderation. RTM and it goes to other mods. Don't like result then go up a level and so on up to St. Christopher. Asking us to chime in on Mod's job is just fucking stupid.

As for what was edited, yes, its a racial slur. against rules and got edited. Done. Come on man it's 2016.. Stop trying to become a Mod, pretty sure that ship sailed. Originally Posted by budman33
Yeah,the plan that OP,SL and Ricky had for Co-ed ain't workin' out so well.
Nice to see Spice issue the deserved slap to OP.