More Dim Election Fraud

Dallas County Elections Administrator Toni Pippins-Poole discovered her office did not count about 10% of the ballots that voters cast on Super Tuesday.

She is now asking a court to let her conduct a manual recount of the votes, after she discovered 44 thumb drives containing ballots that were not included in the final results.

[…] “Of the 44 thumb drives, 16 were not received in a timely manner to the Elections Department and 28 were from voting machines not scheduled to be used but were used by volunteer election officials,” Pippins-Poole said in a statement Saturday evening addressing the blunder.

“We need to investigate this entirely, immediately. The time has absolutely come for Toni Pippins-Poole to step down as elections administrator
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How does one not know that 44 lost thumb drives were not counted? It's basic GAAP. They cross check the ballots, the voter registration rolls, licenses, machine control totals, etc.
No way. I call bullshit.

Wanna know what Toni Pippins-Poole looks like? Get your Pikachu shocked face ready....

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

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How does one not know that 44 lost thumb drives were not counted? It's basic GAAP. They cross check the ballots, the voter registration rolls, licenses, machine control totals, etc.
No way. I call bullshit.

Wanna know what Toni Pippins-Poole looks like? Get your Pikachu shocked face ready....

.... Originally Posted by gnadfly

is clusterfuck spelled "clusterfuck" or "cluster-fuck"?
It's spelled D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T.
HoeHummer's Avatar
It’s spelled T-R-U-M-Ps
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so .. was this an attempt to fuck Bernie or fuck the DNC with Corn Poop FrankenBiden?


It would be interesting to see if they fucked Bernie over more than just in Dallas County!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar

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How does one not know that 44 lost thumb drives were not counted? It's basic GAAP. They cross check the ballots, the voter registration rolls, licenses, machine control totals, etc.
No way. I call bullshit.

Wanna know what Toni Pippins-Poole looks like? Get your Pikachu shocked face ready....

.how is this voter fraud....when some ballots were discovered to be not counted but will as reported and be manually counted...but I’ll tell you what IS voter fraud

When the SCOTUS guts the voting rights act and Republican held states decide to massively cut voting machines in predominantly AA and Hispanic districts. Texas where I live have done just that. Amongst others that are republicans controlled. Republicans are hell bent on cheating because that’s the only way they can WIN...they give out false info on when and where to vote, and have conned many voters to cast a provisional ballots and those are never counted.
And Moscow Mitch and his cronies have declined the requests of the Dems to
Make sure there will be NO more Russian interference.
So dint give me this garbage that it’s the Dems and not the Republicans that commit voter fraud...
Stop talking out of your lily white ASS.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
[QUOTE=BlisswithKriss;106198455 8]

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How does one not know that 44 lost thumb drives were not counted? It's basic GAAP. They cross check the ballots, the voter registration rolls, licenses, machine control totals, etc.
No way. I call bullshit.

Wanna know what Toni Pippins-Poole looks like? Get your Pikachu shocked face ready....

.how is this voter fraud....when some ballots were discovered to be not counted but will as reported and be manually counted...but I’ll tell you what IS voter fraud

When the SCOTUS guts the voting rights act and Republican held states decide to massively cut voting machines in predominantly AA and Hispanic districts. Texas where I live have done just that. Amongst others that are republicans controlled. Republicans are hell bent on cheating because that’s the only way they can WIN...they give out false info on when and where to vote, and have conned many voters to cast a provisional ballots and those are never counted.
And Moscow Mitch and his cronies have declined the requests of the Dems to
Make sure there will be NO more Russian interference.
So dint give me this garbage that it’s the Dems and not the Republicans that commit voter fraud...
Stop talking out of your lily white ASS. Originally Posted by gnadfly

so .. yous is saying the Democrats have never used gerrymandering to redraw districts to their advantage, have never committed voter fraud, have never taken piles of illegal contributions and are virtuous because yous think they are?

can yous prove anything yous just posted?

A Wrench in Georgia’s Voting Machine

The state is moving to secure its elections—if Democrats allow it.

"Democrats in Washington say that swift intervention by Congress is imperative to secure America’s elections. A counterexample comes from Georgia, where last week a federal district court put an expiration date on continued use of the state’s 17-year-old electronic voting machines."

oh my! what's this? Democrats opposing updating voting machines?? i wonder why?

It would be interesting to see if they fucked Bernie over more than just in Dallas County! Originally Posted by friendly fred
Oh, I'm sure they did. They'll fuck him over in Michigan too where the party elders still run the mechanisms in the Detroit area.


.how is this voter fraud....when some ballots were discovered to be not counted but will as reported and be manually counted...but I’ll tell you what IS voter fraud

When the SCOTUS guts the voting rights act and Republican held states decide to massively cut voting machines in predominantly AA and Hispanic districts. Texas where I live have done just that. Amongst others that are republicans controlled. Republicans are hell bent on cheating because that’s the only way they can WIN...they give out false info on when and where to vote, and have conned many voters to cast a provisional ballots and those are never counted.
And Moscow Mitch and his cronies have declined the requests of the Dems to
Make sure there will be NO more Russian interference.
So dint give me this garbage that it’s the Dems and not the Republicans that commit voter fraud...
Stop talking out of your lily white ASS. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
You stupid. Of course, its voter fraud. "But we found 44 thumb drives". You stupid. There was never any Russian interference. You stupid.

Stop talking out of your stupid racist mouth ignoranceiskriss.

You thought the Roger Stone trial was set up to be a state trial so President Trump couldn't pardon him. Why? Because you stupid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
found 44 thumb drive ballots?

is this a variation on finding 50 lost ballot boxes hours after the fact???

biden won the state, could this be an attempt to give it to bernie?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny how the dumbass dems try to make vote All inclusive BUT FUCK it all up

Predictably Irrational out comes
HoeHummer's Avatar
More idiots conspiracy theories.

Wash your fucking hands, boys.
More idiots conspiracy theories.

Wash your fucking hands, boys. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
How do you properly wash out your mouth after sucking other guys dicks?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Good question.

Maybe yous should ask your Lawyer!

The Dallas election official has more controversy in the last few years. She's endorsed by Jew Don Boney so that's good enough for me.

If this CV "pandemic" lasts long enough I wonder if the Dems will cancel the delegates showing up at the Convention? Would make it much easier to steal.