CaptainMidnight. Tiny....please explain the Public Sector Pension problem to the Trump Lovers

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  • 03-16-2020, 04:26 PM
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar Originally Posted by WTF

why ask them? can't you explain it?

like you can explain which part of the federal debt is actually good? and why capitalism caused the debt?
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  • 03-16-2020, 06:13 PM
why ask them? can't you explain it?

like you can explain which part of the federal debt is actually good? and why capitalism caused the debt? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I can not explain it to you "Get the government out of my Medicare" loons like those two can!

I don't have the patience.


I remember less than a month ago trying to explain to you how Trump would have trouble getting elected if the market was under 23k and you weren't very receptive...

bambino's Avatar
I can not explain it to you "Get the government out of my Medicare" loons like those two can!

I don't have the patience.


I remember less than a month ago trying to explain to you how Trump would have trouble getting elected if the market was under 23k and you weren't very receptive...

. Originally Posted by WTF
You may not have the patience, you definitely don’t have the smarts.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I can not explain it to you "Get the government out of my Medicare" loons like those two can!

I don't have the patience.


I remember less than a month ago trying to explain to you how Trump would have trouble getting elected if the market was under 23k and you weren't very receptive...

. Originally Posted by WTF

you've been saying that for far longer. because you thought Trump would tank the economy. so the WUHAN virus is Trump's fault and you knew before it hit the USA but didn't tell anyone.

China is just as desperate to deflect blame for their shithole live seafood markets causing this virus as you are to blame the market slump on Trump.
bambino's Avatar
you've been saying that for far longer. because you thought Trump would tank the economy. so the WUHAN virus is Trump's fault and you knew before it hit the USA but didn't tell anyone.

China is just as desperate to deflect blame for their shithole live seafood markets causing this virus as you are to blame the market slump on Trump. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And the cognoscenti on both sides, Republicans and Democrats sold our manufacturing base to China for profits on slave labor. For 30 fucking years. Trump had the balls to call them out and change course. We don’t even make our own aspirins, let alone other pharmaceuticals. At least Trump has manufacturing coming back. This disaster should make us realize slave labor in China isn’t worth it.
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  • 03-16-2020, 06:51 PM
you've been saying that for far longer. because you thought Trump would tank the economy. so the WUHAN virus is Trump's fault and you knew before it hit the USA but didn't tell anyone.

China is just as desperate to deflect blame for their shithole live seafood markets causing this virus as you are to blame the market slump on Trump. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
And the cognoscenti on both sides, Republicans and Democrats sold our manufacturing base to China for profits on slave labor. For 30 fucking years. Trump had the balls to call them out and change course. We don’t even make our own aspirins, let alone other pharmaceuticals. At least Trump has manufacturing coming back. This disaster should make us realize slave labor in China isn’t worth it. Originally Posted by bambino
Jesus you two brainiacs couldn't power a 10 watt bulb.

If Trump took credit for the market rise....let's give him the same credit for its demise.

Yes we should close our borders to trade bambino....what a brilliant idea you and Trump have hit upon!
bambino's Avatar
Jesus you two brainiacs couldn't power a 10 watt bulb.

If Trump took credit for the market rise....let's give him the same credit for its demise.

Yes we should close our borders to trade bambino....what a brilliant idea you and Trump have hit upon! Originally Posted by WTF
Fucknuts, I didn’t say close our borders to trade, I said bring back manufacturing. It’s a matter of national security you idiot. Didn’t some Chicom bigwig just say they would cut us off from pharmaceuticals? Yes he did. You are the dumbest political savant in the world.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Jesus you two brainiacs couldn't power a 10 watt bulb.

If Trump took credit for the market rise....let's give him the same credit for its demise.

Yes we should close our borders to trade bambino....what a brilliant idea you and Trump have hit upon! Originally Posted by WTF

bambino said nothing about closing borders for trade you idiot. he said .. and he's right .. that if we hadn't allowed our manufacturing to become so dependent on foreign sources .. like .. wait for it .. China! we might not be experiencing such a market drop right now.

Trump is right to claim credit for unshackling business with that closet faggot Obama's over-regulation and cut the corporate tax rate. it's affects were clear and it was 101% Trump not ObamaFaggot that gets the credit.

now dull knife .. tell me one good reason Trump should allow idiots like you and any other anti-Trump assholes to blame the market crash on him when nothing he did was responsible for it? unless of course you believe the Commie Chinese spin that it was the US Military that "brought" this virus to Wuhan for some military Olympic games? you'd believe that, wouldn't you.
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  • 03-16-2020, 08:50 PM
I'm sorry I Wacko....I've never given Trump credit for the market rise or blame for it's current fall.

Unlike you I do not think Trump a God and give him all the credit when things are going well and blame those devilish Democrats when things aren't.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm sorry I Wacko....I've never given Trump credit for the market rise or blame for it's current fall.

Unlike you I do not think Trump a God and give him all the credit when things are going well and blame those devilish Democrats when things aren't. Originally Posted by WTF

why would you think an atheist like me would consider Trump or Black Jesus a God?

and i didn't know the Chinese were Democrats .. you idiot.
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  • 03-16-2020, 08:58 PM
Fucknuts, I didn’t say close our borders to trade, I said bring back manufacturing. It’s a matter of national security you idiot. Didn’t some Chicom bigwig just say they would cut us off from pharmaceuticals? Yes he did. You are the dumbest political savant in the world. Originally Posted by bambino

So you want consumers to pay higher prices to bring back manufacturing jobs?

I mean you must want the manufacturing jobs to pay well, right?

Please without all the MAGA slogans explain just how that isn't closing our borders to trade.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So you want consumers to pay higher prices to bring back manufacturing jobs?

I mean you must want the manufacturing jobs to pay well, right?

Please without all the MAGA slogans explain just how that isn't closing our borders to trade. Originally Posted by WTF

yet another idiot post. allow me to reply ..

Yes, if it means higher prices that are NOT dependent on the whims of foreign nations like .. wait for it .. China!

how exactly does an idiot like yous .. say that bringing manufacturing back to the US is closing borders? of all your 40,000 plus stupid posts this might be the stupidest of all. butt the day ain't over yet, right??'

so tell us unstable idiot poster .. how exactly is bringing jobs back the to US a bad thing long term?
So you want consumers to pay higher prices to bring back manufacturing jobs?

I mean you must want the manufacturing jobs to pay well, right?

Please without all the MAGA slogans explain just how that isn't closing our borders to trade. Originally Posted by WTF
Yes I want the manufacturing jobs to pay well and I couldn't give a shit about deficits denominated in currency we control and create.

Excessive "printing" of money doesn't generally cause deflation but rather inflation.
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CaptainMidnight. Tiny....please explain the Public Sector Pension problem to the Trump Lovers