Illegal drug trade impacted by exaggerated virus

Clay Media's Avatar
So even though the border to the Mexico isn't shut down yet, the {staff edit-CK} are having great trouble getting their junk up to America. The price of illegal drugs have skyrocketed. Some people can't find drugs to buy at all. {staff edit-CK} drug dealers have no product to sell. They'll probably resort to robbery.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
are you testing the mods on your language???? lol!
are you testing the mods on your language???? lol! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Keep staying classy, Clay. We all get it. You don't like minorities. You don't have to be disrespectful about it though. Be a human, dipshit and leave out your constant racial slurs about them and just don't think about them like I'm sure they certainly don't think about your worthless ass... concentrate on hating something else in your miserable life other than minorities.

There is a lot of name calling in here. Whatever. Who the fuck cares? But you are next level offensive with that racist bullshit name calling with your pea brain and keyboard.
Clay Media's Avatar
Keep staying classy, Clay. We all get it. You don't like minorities. You don't have to be disrespectful about it though. Be a human, dipshit and leave out your constant racial slurs about them and just don't think about them like I'm sure they certainly don't think about your worthless ass... concentrate on hating something else in your miserable life other than minorities.

There is a lot of name calling in here. Whatever. Who the fuck cares? But you are next level offensive with that racist bullshit name calling with your pea brain and keyboard. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
"Minorities" is the wrong word. They breed like roaches and are definitely the majority. And they especially aren't minorities when you review violent crime, property crime, and the drug trade.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
"Minorities" is the wrong word. They breed like roaches and are definitely the majority. And they especially aren't minorities when you review violent crime, property crime, and the drug trade. Originally Posted by Clay Media
What the fuck does calling Jewish people, Black people and Mexican people racist derogatory names on a whore board help with anything?

How many crimes did Jewish people commit? You called them the K-word and said they should be burned in ovens you racist idiot. What the fuck have they done to offend you? I know your racist ass doesn't have any money so Bernie Madoff sure the fuck didn't steal anything from you. Did Weinstein fuck you in the ass for an acting gig? LOL

Why am I even entertaining a racist idiot like you? You can get in the last word and I am done... for now
HoeHummer's Avatar
He’s spare parts, bud.

A cursory search will reveals that over the years, this actor shows up, makes right wing comments at first, then posts about barebackings Streetwalkers and then ratchets up the hates speech, racial slurs and forbiddens discussion until he gets banned.

Since we are essentially unmoderated now, he’s not getting banned, so he can’t come back as someone else. And he isn’t gettings his jollies.

Look him up boys. The pattern is easy to see, even for those who agrees with his racist views. And we all knows who they are.

He’ll keep this up until he gets banned and then comes back with another’s handle patterned after a socials disease or the acts of shitting.

Ho hummm...
Lucas McCain's Avatar
He’s spare parts, bud. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I know. I should not even be giving that jackass any attention. I'm just bored that I have no sports to watch. And I can't hop on a plane and see my clients now.
Clay Media's Avatar
Lucas, if you like niggers so much, why don't you leave your Lily white neighborhood and go live with them? Because you know it would suck living among these stupid animals.

Rudyard Kipling was right. He said they are half children, half devil. Very childish and immature and selfish....and prone to criminality and violence.
Clay Media's Avatar
Lucas, if you like niggers so much, why don't you leave your Lily white neighborhood and go live with them? Because you know it would suck living among these stupid animals.

Rudyard Kipling was right. He said they are half children, half devil. Very childish and immature and selfish....and prone to criminality and violence.