You're in your home browsing Eccie and all things adult/escort related when someone violently breaks in your home..

..What's you're first instinct?

Do you immediately activate your home invader defense/procedure?

Or do you clear your history first/maybe desperately shut off (unplug) the computer then get into your procedure??
Like seriously I'd tell the robber where my hobby phone is and I'd beg him to take it and destroy it before he shoots me dead.
Okay, I'm done!

Thanks, very thought provoking....
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
Wreckshop, um, .........did a young' un get into your eckey account man?
Before the invasion...

Get/use a laptop. Set it to lock when closed. Password required to unlock.

During the invasion...

Close the laptop. Take it with you during your "procedures" -- or don't.
Wakeup's Avatar
Those gas station dick pills...they do strange things to your brain...
universalenergy's Avatar
Wreck are you having a conversation with yourself again!
I don't have anything on my computer to worry about, therefore I would get my

Maybe somebody is looking for their back child support.
  • hd
  • 04-21-2015, 07:26 AM
Eliminate the threat and finish my research, put away laptop, call police/coroner to remove trash, take my nap.
I fear dying and then family members learning of my hobbying activities. I do need to take precautions..

How do I password protect a folder in windows?
Grab a beer and watch them bleed out!
Then see above #8
I fear dying and then family members learning of my hobbying activities. I do need to take precautions..
Originally Posted by wreckshop
You're doomed.
Luke 8:17

17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 04-21-2015, 09:13 AM
You know...sometimes I get a glimpse into someone else's mind and it really makes me think
"Damn I'm glad I don't live in there!"
skbinks's Avatar
How do I password protect a folder in windows? Originally Posted by wreckshop
You can't without some additional program and password protecting a folder or file is pretty useless against anyone with more than 2 brain cells.

You really would need encryption instead of password protecting it. Maybe the average high school dropout couldn't get past the password protection on a folder, but I could take the hard drive out and hook it to my computer and access your files. Even my child in middle school learned that in his computer class in 6th grade. Yeah, I thought that was strange for them to teach that, maybe it was a question being answered.

Even windows hasn't been able to completely block out access on 8.1 even when all of the logins are password protected. I can remove the password on your login or create an admin account to gain full access.

The best encryption would be on the drive and where if it is put in another computer, it can't be accessed unless you can break that encryption. Bad part of that is, you better have a backup somewhere because if the computer it was on gets fried, you can't recover the info on the hard drive by putting it in another computer. So you would want your remote backups encrypted too if it is important.

There are a few programs that can encrypt just the files you choose or the whole drive. Some hard drives come with encryption built in if you turn it on. I have not tested the encryption on them yet though. Bitlocker on windows can do what you need, but have never tested it either.
pyramider's Avatar
I fear dying and then family members learning of my hobbying activities. I do need to take precautions..

How do I password protect a folder in windows? Originally Posted by wreckshop

After you are dead, what does it matter?

You may want to layoff the Lifetime Channel, I think it's influencing your post.