Sex Sting arrested 150 people

Joddxxx's Avatar
A sex sting operation busted 150 people in Florida this week. Be careful. Article link is below.
winn dixie's Avatar
People know the risks in this "hobby"
And that is why I hobby overseas! The risk to reward isn't worth it over here. For all of the major crime issue that we have, how can this be such a priority? I am aware of and deplore trafficking and victimizing people in terrible situations. I would also remind everyone that the difference between a 17 year old sw lying about her age to make a business decision, and an 18 year old sw, if both get arrested then one is a trafficking victim by legal standards and the other will be charged. Not only has the price to play gone up, but so have the stakes in the form of felonies as opposed to misdemeanors. Everyone, sw'ers and clients, stay safe and practice some judgement and prudence in your activities of choice.
^ ^ ^ What he said ^ ^ ^
Plus, people act like FOSTA / SESTA never happened - sex trafficking has been a Federal level felony for about 3 years now. Nothing like having to register as a Sex Offender every time you travel or move, and have your whereabouts posted on open access databases.

I'm overdue for a long weekend in Montreal!
Bushjumper's Avatar
If a lady isn't on ECCIE, P411, or TER, I will not entertain the idea of meeting her for an hour of 'fun'. With possible exceptions for dancers who pass my audition of course (snicker & a twist of the mustache ).
I hope the FBI, CIA and NSA stop this mad man
Ahow can this be such a priority? Originally Posted by thewoodthatcould
take a minute and walk through that in your head.
The only "priority" is collecting revenue, by the courts.
Cops are just muscle for the municipality.
Look up the definition of Anarcho-Tyranny and see if the shoe fits.
They target those most vulnerable with the ability to be extorted. You could sting "the poor" but they never pay.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar

The juice ain't worth the squeeze...but you already know that.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 09-11-2022, 08:32 AM
Hubris at its finest.
ihavetoknow's Avatar
Make it legal like everywhere else. How is it legal everywhere but here... Maybe with Weed being legal in a lot of places and growing - we can only hope having a good time with a lady will also be legal and the state can collect a tax on it.
adav8s28's Avatar
Make it legal like everywhere else. How is it legal everywhere but here... Maybe with Weed being legal in a lot of places and growing - we can only hope having a good time with a lady will also be legal and the state can collect a tax on it. Originally Posted by ihavetoknow
Not sure if is legal everywhere else but here (is legal in seven counties of Nevada but no other state). In a lot of places (countries) it's illegal but not policed aggressively. With the weed being legal you have a medicinal use. For example NFL football players like to use it to relieve pain instead of using a prescribed painkiller. Don't think the hobby will ever be legal in the USA in all states like it is in the city of Amsterdam or the seven legal counties in Nevada.
Big Ed's Avatar
Pedos aren't exactly the type to hire adult girlfriends from internet ads. What I've seen they go around seducing dumb mothers to get at their kids and befriending over trusting peers for the same purpose. Most trafficking of minors comes from friend and family.

For decades feminist and the pulpit were saying that ubiquitous porn would turn America into some hedonistic hell hole. If you look at what has actually happened Americans are having less sex and less rape and there's less teenage pregnancyn In general more porn has has equaled less sex overall. It's almost as if sex drive is a fixed item in a person's brain sort of like their appetite or other evolved behaviors. It almost seems like there's not a devil or patriarchal oppressor inside of us that takes over if we give it a little space.

America has always been prone to moral contagion. I think the current adult sex worker equivocation with trafficking is similar to the satanic panic thing that was going on in the '80s. At the end of the day it's a boon to law enforcement and moralizing politicians so no one stopping it. It took a hundred years for reefer madness to play itself out I guess it will be something similar with the current war against adult commercialized real life sex. I suspect sooner or later Android women will become so good with AI driving them that no one will want a real woman anyway I guess we'll see.
adav8s28's Avatar
Pedos aren't exactly the type to hire adult girlfriends from internet ads. What I've seen they go around seducing dumb mothers to get at their kids and befriending over trusting peers for the same purpose. Most trafficking of minors comes from friend and family.
Originally Posted by Big Ed
That may be true. However these people will use other methods to get the girls. A fifteen year old went to a Mavericks home game with her dad. She went to the restroom at halftime and didn't come back. The traffickers took her. They had her profile on-line in 48 hours. The police showed the dad pictures of girls who were being advertised for pay for play. The dad recognized his daughters picture and the girl was recovered out of state a couple of days later. The traffickers just don't rely on parents. I did not hear of this in the local Dallas papers. I saw in
TinMan's Avatar
That may be true. However these people will use other methods to get the girls. A fifteen year old went to a Mavericks home game with her dad. She went to the restroom at halftime and didn't come back. The traffickers took her. They had her profile on-line in 48 hours. The police showed the dad pictures of girls who were being advertised for pay for play. The dad recognized his daughters picture and the girl was recovered out of state a couple of days later. The traffickers just don't rely on parents. I did not hear of this in the local Dallas papers. I saw in Originally Posted by adav8s28
It was widely reported in the Dallas media.
adav8s28's Avatar
It was widely reported in the Dallas media. Originally Posted by TinMan
I did not mean to imply that it was not reported in the Dallas media. I just did not hear of the incident from the Dallas media.
Woke Disney always has it's employees caught up in these stings. Maybe they should focus more on security than politics