Monthly arrangments, pros and cons

Lately the idea of working out a monthly plan with someone has been feeling appealing. Sure, the variety is fun, we all like that, but for me personally, if I find a girl who provides the kind of service I enjoy, I think I could see myself settling into a regular thing where the provider and I get to know each other in a more serious way. Not something as official as a sugar daddy setup, but more connecty then the a la carte system we all mostly use.

Here's the question then, how have monthly plans worked for the women and guys on here who may have tried it? Would you do it again?

I'll have to do more interviewing and parts inspecting before I make a choice of course, but testing this idea for a month with someone just to see how it goes seems worth trying.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have been offering monthly deals for over a year now and so far so good.I have a few gents who have done the deal more then a few times.
The key for it to work is a pick a provider with a strong backing and strong reputation.

I will admit a call or two might have been lost and I still invite those gents to contact me to get the time owed..if ever something is postponed due to my end I ALWAYS offer an extra date
fun2come's Avatar
Here is a read for you: Originally Posted by fun2come

That was an interesting thread. I was more imagining a multi-date package of some kind, not something as in depth as daily though. Agree to 4-6 dates in the month for a flat fee, keep the timing somewhat open, that sort of thing.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I have had a monthly pre paid arrangement before with a provider I trusted and it was great. The value was great and I could see that provider 2-4 times a month depending what I wanted, I really liked the "key is under the mat" come slip into bed this morning (my bed).

The only draw back is your committed to this provider, but I really liked her so this worked out great.

John_Dough's Avatar
Go to the national section and read the sugar daddy forum. LOTS of info there.
Britttany_love's Avatar
I have been offering monthly deals for over a year now and so far so good.I have a few gents who have done the deal more then a few times.
The key for it to work is a pick a provider with a strong backing and strong reputation.

I will admit a call or two might have been lost and I still invite those gents to contact me to get the time owed..if ever something is postponed due to my end I ALWAYS offer an extra date Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
I agree with Vicki here. I have a few regulars that I offer packages to and it works great. As long as both parties have flexible schedules then things should work fine.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
That was an interesting thread. I was more imagining a multi-date package of some kind, not something as in depth as daily though. Agree to 4-6 dates in the month for a flat fee, keep the timing somewhat open, that sort of thing. Originally Posted by PartsInspector
I as well as a few others of mini packages as well...
I think the most important part of setting up any kind of arrangement is finding the "fit" first. In my experience, the best scenarios happen organically. I meet a new lover and over the course of a few dates we build comfort with one another. I like his company, he likes mine, and we both have zero expectations and an understood intimate boundary/connection. From there, it makes sense to agree to some sort of "arrangement". I think this type of scenario sets the stage for success as both parties found interest and comfort in each others company long before the discussion of an arrangement came up.

The alternative scenario, where guy A and woman B meet under the pretense of setting a monthly agreement has the likelihood of going bad. What if there is not chemistry? What if there is no connection? No trust? It's like betting the ponies without having any experience of the racetrack.

Just a few of my own thoughts.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I think the most important part of setting up any kind of arrangement is finding the "fit" first. In my experience, the best scenarios happen organically. I meet a new lover and over the course of a few dates we build comfort with one another. I like his company, he likes mine, and we both have zero expectations and an understood intimate boundary/connection. From there, it makes sense to agree to some sort of "arrangement". I think this type of scenario sets the stage for success as both parties found interest and comfort in each others company long before the discussion of an arrangement came up.

The alternative scenario, where guy A and woman B meet under the pretense of setting a monthly agreement has the likelihood of going bad. What if there is not chemistry? What if there is no connection? No trust? It's like betting the ponies without having any experience of the racetrack.

Just a few of my own thoughts. Originally Posted by BelleAustin
All good thoughts, for me it worked because I had been seeing the provider for a couple of years and we liked each other and it was a great match. I can't see this happening with someone you did not have a connection with. There is more to it then just sex.

El Cid's Avatar
Lately the idea of working out a monthly plan ... Originally Posted by PartsInspector
I have done long term agreements with my ATF, they have worked for me, and I expect to keep doing them in the future. They work well with a provider which you have gotten to like and trust. They also require some flexibility, because this is not a 30-minute pizza delivery guaranteed every time you call. Providers (and hobbists!) get ill, have scheduling conflicts, and so forth. She might not be available the day you call. If you can't trust your provider to eventually keep her end of the bargain and make it up to you, this is not for you.

  • Alli
  • 09-13-2013, 04:33 PM
I recently had a "helper" like this and he would give me an allowance every Friday, went out to lunch/dinner and we would meet once or twice a week and even if, for any reason we could not meet as scheduled, he would still send my allowance. He also helped with emergencies, like my car, school etc...

Unfortunately, after the turn of the year, he wasn't able to help as much as I needed, I expressed the need for a "step daddy", which was okay at first and then he decided he didn't want to share so we parted ways.

Currently looking for another to pick up where he left off. I feel that is it's a better thing for me deal for me. Best wishes to you.