bums and donations

VitaMan's Avatar
I believe in giving out a little money to the people you see wandering
around with the signs, etc. - everyone can find themselves in this kind
of situation if things don't go right, even hard working people.

But the part I don't like is it ends up being too many people hanging
around the convenience store or car wash looking for money - so it
becomes a dilemma as to whether to give or not.....

On a slightly different note, many of these charitable events for cancer
and other worthy causes manage to keep most of the money for themselves - as they only donate the "net" proceeds, which can be just
about whatever they want to make it.

I don't happen to like doctors, or the medical profession much, either,
as they are some of greediest people around.
  • rooky
  • 03-20-2010, 04:27 AM
Has anybody seen the movies "food matters" and "food inc." ? I bet you will not step foot in fast food place again or feed your kids another chicken nugget!! I am going to make some backups and if you would like one I'll be happy to send you one. If you know someone who suffers from cancer or has died from cancer I bet you will be outraged when you find out you are just a cash cow for the medical industry. If you want a cure for cancer you have to go to Mexico because it is illegal for them to cure you in the US with out chemo or other cancer causing meds. Also, before you accuse another "illegal" from taking jobs see the movies and you will realized its us that are destroying our jobs and allowing fortune 500 companies to do away with our jobs.
as far as bums and such, i asked my dad when i was a teenager about this. so the next time we went a place where there were these types and one asked my dad for some money because he was hungry, my dad told him that he would gladly take him inside the closest food place and buy him a meal. the bum refused and asked if he could just have the money. my dad told him that wasn't the offer. the bum said F-YOU and walked away. call me callous if you want, if there are people with 2 and 3 jobs, there shouldn't be a lick of unemployment. he justs wants money to feed his habit, whatever it might be. so, under no circumstances, would give anything to anyone.

as far as charitable organizations....after that expose' on the united way some years back about the ceo or whatever living in a big mansion and such, i say F 'em....

i've learned in life, you're on your own. it's up to you to make the most of it.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
I believe in giving out a little money to the people you see wandering
around with the signs, etc. - everyone can find themselves in this kind
of situation if things don't go right, even hard working people. Originally Posted by VitaMan
*wandering typing* ..

Hell, that was my situation recently (homeless, in and out of hotels) .. my whole family is full of "bums" only one of us did drugs (one of my cousins). I got this soft spot in my heart for some homeless people.. not all of us are drunk all day. That same druged out cousin of mine even had a job while homeless; he walked there if he had to .. I've seen sane people go crazy with despair, just having to beg and bum all day .. that begging shit tore me up; asking my little sister for money .. My aunt is a smart woman, she lost her nursing job and got kicked out onto the streets by her own son. .. I'd never thought she would go homeless growing up. Even the best of people truly do fall on hard times .. I have to give if I see a homeless person .. that shit too close to my heart. Some homeless people are really the "working poor" .. just people on hard times.

*done typing thoughts*