Was Jesus a Republican? Capitalist? Englist speaking American?

  • rooky
  • 03-20-2010, 04:50 AM
Why do American mend God and country? Our founding fathers have said "christianity is the greatest pervertion" "religion is as usless as a lighthouse" etc.. Yet some think God was everything we have become. I only believe there is a God when I see the anti-christ George W. Bush junior. Jesus said "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven" yet all these rich politicians like Perry and Palin use religion as a tool for votes. It just seems to me that if they were really Christian they wouldn't break bread with lobbyist that fill their pockets. If I need an erection I will gladly look at Palin. I just don't see Jesus allowing banks to force people out of their homes. We have less and less jobs each year will record high profits are posted but all we do is blame "illegals" for less jobs. I haven't heard of anybody coming here illegally to become and investing banker or to run google. What are your thoughs??
  • meryt
  • 03-21-2010, 11:19 AM
He was a charismatic cult leader whose following became respectable over time.
Jesus was initially raised as a jew, but his real daddy was a good ole southern baptist wasp.

I thought everyone knew that.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Our founding fathers have said "christianity is the greatest pervertion" "religion is as usless as a lighthouse" etc.. Originally Posted by rooky
Got a source for those "quotes"?
NO problem with immigrants-LEGAL IMMIGRANTS-coming here and working.

BIG problem when immigrants bring wife, 6 children, 10 cousins, all EXPECTING hard working taxpayers to foot the bill for their healthcare, kids lunches, insurance etc. BIG problem with that!

Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian? And HE seems to not have a problem cozying up to lobbyists......odd that you left HIM off your little list.
boardman's Avatar

Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
It depends on what group he is reading from his teleprompter to or what his agenda is.
Trnch's Avatar
  • Trnch
  • 03-23-2010, 09:54 PM
I think Jesus was a closet Buddhist. As for anyone that knows anything about Theology, we all have been duped to the smoke and mirrors of mans own greed and ignorance..............and yes, he would not agree with the current state of his practices.

Most Christians and others are not properly trained or educated in the search for faith/enlightenment/release. Once they find it they will realize that they no longer need the church. With that being known, many of these institutions have developed practices to continue to confuse and have the church member/consumer/addict to comeback for further explanation/fix with an offering/tithing.

As for the immigrants? I am not worried, I am more worried about the jobs that have and continue to leave this country. I/we are going to need that immigrant to pay for our future and current debt.
LittleSpike's Avatar
I think Jesus was a closet Buddhist. As for anyone that knows anything about Theology, we all have been duped to the smoke and mirrors of mans own greed and ignorance..............and yes, he would not agree with the current state of his practices.

Most Christians and others are not properly trained or educated in the search for faith/enlightenment/release. Once they find it they will realize that they no longer need the church. With that being known, many of these institutions have developed practices to continue to confuse and have the church member/consumer/addict to comeback for further explanation/fix with an offering/tithing.

As for the immigrants? I am not worried, I am more worried about the jobs that have and continue to leave this country. I/we are going to need that immigrant to pay for our future and current debt. Originally Posted by Trnch
I agree, about not needing the church. I left a very prominent local church after hearing ministers call for, "obeying authority, and don't rock the boat".
It seems that the clergy doesn't welcome members who think for themselves.

TheDaliLama's Avatar

But I believe we was one of the Bee Gees.

But I believe we was one of the Bee Gees. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Was Martin Luther King a Democrat?


But I believe he was one of the Four Tops. hahahahahahah
LS....you must have gone to Second
rjdiner's Avatar
Doesn't Obama claim to be a Christian? And HE seems to not have a problem cozying up to lobbyists......odd that you left HIM off your little list.[/quote]

Was Martin Luther King a Democrat?


But I believe he was one of the Four Tops. hahahahahahah Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
So Obama may not be a Christian? Is that your implication?
And the Reverend Martin Luther King is a member of a soul group?

WOW SH remember to take that white hood off when you're driving please.
Definitely not Republican, Jesus wanted people to follow him of their own free will, not be forced (like the so called Christians like to force their morals on society).
auknowho's Avatar
Guys we are all adults and should act like it too, this is a place to have fun, I don't mind political conversations but if you can't keep it civil I will lock the thread.
  • meryt
  • 03-26-2010, 11:44 AM
But I believe we was one of the Bee Gees. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

Now that's a good one! Looks like some people didn't catch it though...