With all this crazy (and it is crazy) about elections being stolen by the right or hacked by the Russians the left keeps going back to the polls. Just like in 2000 the polling doesn't agree with the results in most cases. So did the Russians hack the election for Bush in 2000? Nobody has ever said that they did. So were all the polls wrong this time? Nope, there is one polling group that stood out above the rest; Trafalgar Polling. They not only called the general election but called each state election. They called Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin for Trump before the day of the election and they were right on the numbers. How did they do this? They issued a statement last week that they found that many people were lying to pollsters about who they intended to vote for. Fear, embarassment, or they just wanted to fuck with the system, people lied. So TG came up with "the question". Who is your neighbor voting for? No, I'm not voting for the guy that they say is a racist, sexist, homophobe....but my neighbor is. It worked. There was no hack, no GOP voter fraud but there was a result supported by the math.