Facebook problems!

Samcro84's Avatar
I have separate phones for RW and hobby, completely separate no connection of any kind. Separate accounts for email, Facebook and Twitter.

I keep providers handles and phone numbers like anyone else. Facebook will attempt to search their database for any connections with number and one of there members.

Last Saturday I opened Facebook on hobby phone and it had suggestions, one of them was a provider that I know with her real name and picture. This has happened before.

I sent a text to the provider trying to explain that she had one of the following problems.

1. She uses one phone for both RW and Hobby, maybe using a product like Google Voice. May have a setting off in one of them.


2. She gave me her RW phone number by mistake.

Well she did not have time or understand that I was trying to help and NOT interested in adding her as a friend. I ended up deleting her in my address book and the problem went away. Hated it cause I did want to see her some day.

So please if you have one phone make sure you have it setup right so you do not get outed on any of the Social Media.

If anyone has other suggestions or experiences please post.

ck1942's Avatar
If you can only support one cell phone best if you exit the hobby before you get outed.

And ditto if you cannot conrol two phones.
Tricky thing that Facebook...

Thanks op