Avatar ideas for II2

notanewbie's Avatar
I looked at that damn avatar again and burped up a nice filet.

notanewbie's Avatar
Htowner's Avatar
A change would definitely be nice. I don't know why we should be abused by that.
carkido45's Avatar
It's really bad pleeeeeease change that avatar.
notanewbie's Avatar
when I was having a beer (or four) with him that damn thing flopped out and scared the hell out of me.

What is that thing?
ferdburf's Avatar
Once you guys have reached a successful conclusion on this endeavor, could you next begin work on the starfish guy? Geesh, I gotta wait an hour after eating before logging on for fear I'll see his avatar
ratboy jam's Avatar
I thought members were not allowed to post personal pics?? Then why is II allowed to do so?? Not fair..not fair...
Uhhhh...not that I have ever seen THAT..just from what I've been told!!
internet_inventor2's Avatar
The funny part is that on the banner across his belly it says "discount please" , I am in search of a new Avatar , something that RBJ could appreciate ...... more to follow .
notanewbie's Avatar
boardman's Avatar
I think that in his sick and twisted mind, notanewbie was just looking for a reason to post that fucking pickture.
i didn't know II2 was that light-skinned. get some sun, bro
Wayward's Avatar
I thought members were not allowed to post personal pics?? Then why is II allowed to do so?? Not fair..not fair...
Uhhhh...not that I have ever seen THAT..just from what I've been told!! Originally Posted by ratboy jam
How often is this the voice of sanity?

Perhaps a glamor shot of Ratina?

found this online somewhere a while back
uh ok

...just wanted to share, LRR??

back on topic, heres an avatar that doesnt burn the eye sockets

I thought Rat Boy already picked his avatar