Huntsville, Tx

Had a provider contact me out of the blue asking where the best place would be to post an ad for Huntsville. Told her to give me a bit and I would know. Figured it would be easy. However, after looking at the map, I have no clue on what to suggest.

It has to be part of 1 of the 3 following areas ...
1) Northeast Texas
2) Houston
3) Waco/Temple/College Station

Huntsville is 70 miles from Houston.
Huntsville is 55 miles from College Station but a hell of a long way from Waco & Temple.
Huntsillve is 75 miles from Lufkin which is part NETX.

Anyone want to kindly point me in the right direction?

Thanks ...
The first area is "North and East Texas" not Northeast Texas. It includes messages at least down through Beaumont. The lower volume of ads in that area would probably be helpful to them.