✿◠‿◠ ✿◠‿◠ Don't thumb your nose at me! ✿◠‿◠ ✿◠‿◠

A bus stops to let on a passenger. This attractive lady steps onto the bus and puts her right thumb to her nose and wiggles her fingers without saying a word. The bus driver puts his right thumb to his nose and his left thumb to the palm of his right hand and wiggles all eight of his fingers. The woman then looks a bit confused and in silence grabs her boobs. The bus driver in a growing lack of patience grabs his balls, the woman then turns around, grabs her ass and struts off the bus.

A frequent passenger who sits at the front of the bus looks to the driver, and says, “Tom, I’ve been riding your bus for quite a few years now and I’ve never seen anything as vulgar as this! I’m going to have to ride a different route!”

Tom, the driver, looks to the woman sitting in the front seat and replies, “You are mistaken. That woman was deaf. She asked me if this bus was headed for 5th. street, I said, ‘no, 10th street.’ She asked if it went to the Dairy Mart, I told her that it went to the ball park and she said, ‘shit, I’m on the wrong bus’ and left.”
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
good joke. i have found not much humor on this board nice photos. i like your look.
omakase's Avatar
Brooke Daniels is our resident comedian.
Thank you for the nice comments. Life is too short not to have fun. Have a great (albeit scorching) day.

Scorch the right way today!!! ✺
Yea that was to cute and funny
Roguejet's Avatar
And, I might ad, quite the fine specimen of a resident comedian; I've considered making an appointment with her just to swap jokes .... and get my funny bone tickled (ya, that one too) - I do enjoy her jokes here - good stuff.