ISO Dr to help with anxiety attacks. Or know of one.

Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Hi there,

Does anyone know of a low cost doctor or is there a hobbyist on here who is a doctor?

I have really been suffering with anxiety attack for a few years now and I've noticed that they are getting really bad and it is getting to the point were I need to do something about this.

I've been doing what I can do keep them under control because I HATE to take meds of any sort and anyone who suffers from them KNOWS how scary and bad it can be so the time has come that I need to throw and in the towel and try the meds route.

Funds are tight right now so that is a factor.

I'm not one to post my personal business on here and I'm NOT a drama filled provider always crying wolf or asking for help all the time and I'm a over all responsible person so it's pretty serious for me to be asking.

If you're a doctor or know of a doctor, please pm me. Funds are tight so that is a factor.

Thanks for reading this and any help will be greatly appreciated.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I sent you a pm
Me too! I hope it works out for you....
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thanks ladies. :-)
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
Avoid DR prescribed pharmaceutical meds---they will screw you up even more-
--have you ever heard of ST. John's Wort?--natural herb (less than 4$ at any health food store, or even Walmart) to calm you down-
--for complete info on natural (cheap) herbs , ------google -(-search )natural cures/anxiety attacks--
-a list of websites will appear, with valuable info on the herbs available that you can buy (online is cheaper than any retail store) to deal with your atttacks.
I pm'd you my phone number. if you want to talk to me......
  • ddf69
  • 11-08-2013, 01:05 PM

Check the vitamin shoppe
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Thanks everyone.
Black Navy's Avatar
I studied alternative medicine oversea's,

No caffeine at all

1) Distilled Water gallon a day
2) Lavender tea
3) Kava Kava Tea
4) Chamomile Tea drink a lot of this
5) eat only fruit and veggies for lunch
6) Eat nuts instead of meat for breakfest and lunch for 5 days (Almonds, Pine, pistachios or no salt mixed nuts)
7) no salt use potassium salt
8) sleep 8 to 9 hours for a couple of days
9) cheap buy Celestial Seasonings sleepytime tea, with the above herb
10) For quick calm down, do what is legal in Colorado (wink).
dfwfunguy1818's Avatar

Search for neurotherapy ... it really works.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-08-2013, 05:38 PM
Allow me to make a counterpoint. I do not think St John's Wort, which I took for anxiety attacks, works at all. Xanax does work, as do some other things. I am willing to help you also, please respond to my PM for details.
Kava Kava and Inositol (Powder Form) works the best for anxiety, depression and even bi-polar disorders.
Stallion81's Avatar
I hate to hear about your anxiety attacks. Thinking about you. I need to come see you again. My new job is about 15 minutes away from your place.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
sorry u are having the problem.When do u have the anxiety attacks? Some anxiety can serve u well to survive in this world. I would suspect doing certain things set it off. try to id the stress factors that are associated with the attacks. Meeting new people is stressful. If u meet a person to see a movie or to have lunch do u have the attacks. i doubt anything is wrong with you just relax.Money worries,family problems etc all add up."money tight". You may need someone to be your friend
You have to be careful with Kava Kava and St John's and all the other "mood elevating" natural remedies because they really mess with you if you actually have to take pharmacueticals, even antibiotics. They can also screw up your brain chemistry. Xanax is weird, anti anxirey and anti depressants are even weirder. Find a nuerotherapist or standard issue brain chiropractor (psychology/psychiatry) and get a blood test before you jump in with the Whole Foods solutions.

Plus, (I'm not being an asshole here) but based on your age, unless you've had your female plumbing removed, you're probably peri-menopausal and might want to research your issue from that standpoint. Your entire chemical makeup is about to go ass over teakettle. Find a sympathetic, probably female OB-GYN. She'll be able to help with pretty much all of it. You can get some of that help from the county as well.