I finally made it

Courtney Blake's Avatar
Hello guys-
I did make it in and all went well with my trip here this time no issues at all, glad to back and looking forward to catching up with everyone...send me a pm or give me a call.
Courtney Blake
Captain Gus's Avatar
Welcome; hope you have a good time in our fine city;
Mojojo's Avatar
Welcome Courtney! We hope you enjoy your stay!
CivilBarrister's Avatar

....and thank you again! It was WONDERFUL as always!
auknowho's Avatar
Welcome to Eccie!
Courtney Blake's Avatar
Thanks everyone-
I hope the trip turns out well and we have a great time together
ALso watch for new XXX Debbie Dial movies coming out this summer, get ready!!!
Courtney Blake's Avatar
Always nice to see familiar faces
Courtney Blake's Avatar
Really?? Have you read Because I am the Fucking Prohet.... don't get me incorrectly because I am a sweetheart but go get fucking laid seriously...wow OMG we are not Romans lol
boardman's Avatar
I take it you haven't read Hezziciah yet.
That shit will really FYU. Welcome to H-Town.

The mods affectionately refer to us as a herd of cats. That is when they aren't participating.
dearhunter's Avatar
Really?? Have you read Because I am the Fucking Prohet.... don't get me incorrectly because I am a sweetheart but go get fucking laid seriously...wow OMG we are not Romans lol Originally Posted by Courtney Blake
To know me is to love me............I'm just saying.


Enjoy my playground, sweetheart.
Really?? Have you read Because I am the Fucking Prohet.... don't get me incorrectly because I am a sweetheart but go get fucking laid seriously...wow OMG we are not Romans lol Originally Posted by Courtney Blake

That was more than likely written tongue in cheek. His tongue in TP's cheeks.
Courtney Blake's Avatar
It just really amazes me to read some peoples shit.....can't believe how he can be in the hobby but refer to us ladies as whore??? Really couldn't imagine being called that by anyone, especially someone on this end of things.
Yes to know you might be to love you same to be said about anyone and myself to know me is and I quote " To know me is to love me or Hate me you decide" but at least I am not tossing words around towards others or about others unless I KNOW you directly and have something to say directly to you...no script to read to make myself feel all powerful it is what it is and I am what I am either way love it or hate it but I am fair and kind and dont put on a show by tryingto talk or act big
Courtney Blake's Avatar
which surprises me to even get involved into this BS...but again as a provider reading that I was offended but the words
For What is worth, you are a very pretty woman. Hope you enjoy Texas. Don't let one sour grape like dearhunter ruin it for the rest of us. His mother dropped him, alot.
dearhunter's Avatar
Sweatheart, I don't read the script, I write it............I'm just saying.

"Drop-kick me Jesus through the goal post of life" was my theme song as a child.................Big Jake knows me so well...........I'm just saying.

So, does this mean a session is out of the question?

Queen Tut did tell me to write a review..........I'm just saying.