"You Will Never Be Able to Afford Me!"

So, in a trainwreck of a threAD in a forum, far, far, far away...a lady uttered the words you "will never be able to afford me."

It really doesn't matter what kind of money someone has. I've seen a guy with a $15k bar tabs at my favorite restaurant. And I've seen the same guy at the Taco Bell drive thru. I personally would not say something like the quote above because I don't presume to know other people's finances nor their financial priorities. But a wonderful response really got me thinking about who we all view ourselves here. Not just the ladies, but the gents as well. Is there too much assumption and judgment based on rates charged and monies spent?

I read the best response have seen in a while here and it really hit home:

You're not a piece of property. It's a shame that you look at yourself that way. You really just don't get it. I understand the context with your rates, but nobody can "afford" another person regardless of their occupation. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
We aren't commodities and they aren't buyers. Perpetuating this feeds into political agendas that are threatening our freedom of expression.
  • dgc92
  • 11-20-2018, 03:41 AM
Well, no, you don't buy the ladies. You just rent them. Or more accurately, you hire them to do a job.

As far as your question about assumptions and money, yeah, the expensive girls are seen as more upscale. But that's not true at all, in my experience. More expensive means more attractive. And the REALLY pretty ones think being pretty is a substitute for being good, so they don't have to try very hard.

You want a great fuck, look for the ugliest girl you can find. She's really eager to please and won't charge much.

No, of COURSE I only fuck the hot ones, because my dick is bad at logical thinking and it hates ugly girls. But my point is sound, and has been known to most men since the beginning of time. We'll accept substandard sex from really hot girls because the NEXT one will be totally worth it.

the REALLY pretty ones think being pretty is a substitute for being good, so they don't have to try very hard.
Originally Posted by dgc92
This is Eccie gold right here.
For me, I tend to focus on those that get it. For example, I would much rather see a lady that will bake me cookies than a lady that would expect me to bake her cookies!!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2018, 09:28 AM
Thank you for the post. I find it unsettling when anyone things that paying a person for a service--of any kind--somehow is ownership of the person, or somehow makes you superior to them.

It happens in many areas, including sex work; you can certainly see it in the attitudes some guys have on here. But I see it in a lot of other places as well, maybe the worst in with hotel staff--I see people--men, women, old, young--who are incredibly condescending and demeaning towards the staff, especially those who clean their rooms.

As to any lady thinking "you will never be able to afford me", it is sad, and foolish, for any lady to think that. My ATF's friend and best client dressed casually after work, and would occasionally go to the hotel bar and arrange for a lady to join him for the evening. He approached one woman at a bar, and after a couple drinks asked her out to dinner. She looked at how he was dressed and gave a version of "you can't afford me" response. He just agreed and moved on.

The month before he had just bought my ATF a condo in DC for $800,000 and never blinked at the price. He was worth over half a billion when he died.

On the other end of your question, when I decide upon a lady I am interested in meeting I have never associate cost with quality except if she is TOO low I generally avoid them. Other than that I find the best experiences have little correlation to the price I paid.

Finally, to the person who said Hot = More Expensive, I would disagree. Very good looking does up the price, but the very high end ladies I know--the $25K+ per night ones--it is much more about style, personality, extreme discretion, and fitting into the social environment than looks (though none of them are below average in the looks department either). My ATF was in that circle when she was working, and it was far more important that she could be on a gentleman's arm at an official State dinner and not embarrass him than how hot she was (though at least in my opinion, she was very good looking as well).

Again, thank you for the post.

So, in a trainwreck of a threAD in a forum, far, far, far away...a lady uttered the words you "will never be able to afford me."

It really doesn't matter what kind of money someone has. I've seen a guy with a $15k bar tabs at my favorite restaurant. And I've seen the same guy at the Taco Bell drive thru. I personally would not say something like the quote above because I don't presume to know other people's finances nor their financial priorities. But a wonderful response really got me thinking about who we all view ourselves here. Not just the ladies, but the gents as well. Is there too much assumption and judgment based on rates charged and monies spent?

I read the best response have seen in a while here and it really hit home:

We aren't commodities and they aren't buyers. Perpetuating this feeds into political agendas that are threatening our freedom of expression. Originally Posted by B Three
Grace Preston's Avatar
If anything, the EXTREME upper end ladies are often less "hot" and more "blendable". So many of the young generation is so busy trying to be flashy that they forget that part of discretion is the ability to be hidden in plain sight.

Most of the clientele in the higher income brackets aren't looking for someone that is going to draw TOO much attention and they don't want it to be blatantly obvious that they have a paid companion on their arm. When 50 year old Bob from Accounting has a 22 year old hot ass with a Russian accent on his arm-- its going to be more noticed than if Bob has the 32 year old attractive lady on his arm.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2018, 09:49 AM
If anything, the EXTREME upper end ladies are often less "hot" and more "blendable". So many of the young generation is so busy trying to be flashy that they forget that part of discretion is the ability to be hidden in plain sight.

Most of the clientele in the higher income brackets aren't looking for someone that is going to draw TOO much attention and they don't want it to be blatantly obvious that they have a paid companion on their arm. When 50 year old Bob from Accounting has a 22 year old hot ass with a Russian accent on his arm-- its going to be more noticed than if Bob has the 32 year old attractive lady on his arm. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Spot on.
Agree with both OldT and Grace. Thanks for joining.
plainjoe's Avatar
A great topic and inputs provided by Old-T and Grace.

The question is whether someone would want to meet a lady with an attitude of dismissing others simply because of appearances/size of bank account, etc.

There are a few ladies I will not meet because of their attitudes that they expressed in the forums; and conversely, there are ladies that I have met and continue to see because of their great attitudes and generally are great people.
Correct, Plainjoe. I agree. But I also think that there is the flip side of thinking what she charges or gets paid is directly proportional to her value as a person.

If that were true, I guess all teachers and social workers are not worthy.

To me, the best way to set your price on any task you complete is a factor of how good you are at it, what you need to make a profit, and what the market will bear. If some dude gives me $10k does that make me a better person? Nope. Just a lucky one.
SlowHand50's Avatar
The best providers are those who understand what their visitors need out of the session and use their skills, personality and other traits to see that the visitor achieves what he came for, pardon the play on words -- leaving happy, satisfied, and convinced or considering to return in the future. Looks are fine but that understanding, plus perhaps some skillful IOP, go a long, long way in this world.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-20-2018, 04:06 PM
TT is just your average provider that comes from the ghetto, they are use to having nothing, as soon as she gets a little something, she feels all high and mighty and shows it off, combine this with the ghetto mentality and there you have it.

Notice like how she talks about how much money she's made on her last run and anyone that don't agree with her can't afford her, she thinks that everyone is into heavy AA women with wild hair.
So, in a trainwreck of a threAD in a forum, far, far, far away...a lady uttered the words you "will never be able to afford me." Originally Posted by B Three

I always hate people who say that phrase..

First off, what makes you think you are that damn good, you 'command that high of a fee'?
Secondly, you don't know how much i own/have, so how would you know i couldn't afford you?! Its presumptuous imo.

I heard a story a while back where some guy had NO luck getting a date.. TILL his face got put into the local papers as winning the lottery.. THEN ALL Those gals who rejected him, spat on him etc, were falling over one another to 'be his girl friend'.
He told them "IF i wasn't good enough for you BEFORE I had money, what the hell makes you think, NOW I DO have money, you are good enough for me!?"

Well, no, you don't buy the ladies. You just rent them. Or more accurately, you hire them to do a job.

As far as your question about assumptions and money, yeah, the expensive girls are seen as more upscale. But that's not true at all, in my experience. More expensive means more attractive. And the REALLY pretty ones think being pretty is a substitute for being good, so they don't have to try very hard. Originally Posted by dgc92

Strange, i've sometimes seen ladies who were PRETTIER in person, than just in looks, on the lower to mid levels of the 'pay scale', compared to those who considered themselves 'up-class'..

But i do agree, often those in said 'up-scale' range, do seem to feel their looks means they don't have to try as much to please someone.

The best providers are those who understand what their visitors need out of the session and use their skills, personality and other traits to see that the visitor achieves what he came for, pardon the play on words -- leaving happy, satisfied, and convinced or considering to return in the future. Looks are fine but that understanding, plus perhaps some skillful IOP, go a long, long way in this world. Originally Posted by SlowHand50

Very true Hand. I see it akin to going to a restaurant. I've been to 15$ a plate steak places, and others that were closer to 65$ a steak places.. BUT the key is not in the price, its in HOW DO I like the place. Is the meal tastey. Is the service good enough i'd like to go back. Did the server make me feel welcome, or just another seat..?
Strangely, i've had MORE of the 15$ a plate restaurants that made me wanna go back for meal after meal, than i EVER have had with the 65$ a plate ones..
I see it similar to hobbying.
good analogy, actually

thanks for joining!
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
I enjoy this forum.

I am a military retiree living in a rural state that has virtually zero escorts. I am okay with that, as I likely would not be able to afford any of the beautiful ladies that post here anyway.

If I can not afford any of them, I dont care. As long as the mods dont seem to mind me lurking here.