Jimmy Kimmel Network

I just checked in with Jimmy for an update on the porn star and the mushroom trial. It's still a "shit show"and the mushroom is still sleeping and crying like a baby that just shit his diaper and stinking everything up. He also reported that stormy had a really fun time rubbing the mushrooms face in his own shit

Jimmy reports you decide
winn dixie's Avatar

Maybe the Jimmy network will report on trump's lack of intelligence and his inability to comprehend simple things

What will Jimmy say about another one of his favorites after meaker Johnson told her to stfu and eat shit. I'm hoping Jimmy will report on how many parties the dysfunctional gop has now. My unofficial count is 13 which means another blue wave

She sold stuff on line to make money. That is so desperate that only a desperate maga would do it

Jimmy owns a national mainstream TV network. NBC is not a cable or pod network

Jimmy trying to get stormy horney again

Mass exodus. Did Jerry tell them that his daddy trump was going to show up

Jimmy Kimmell is a cuck just ask Sarah Silverman, lol.

Don Jr exposed in the national media again
Are you the board cuck expert Levi???
Are you the board cuck expert Levi???
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
No, Sarah Silverman let the world know, lol.

When Trump get’s re elected, will we get to see Kimmel cry ala Martha Raddatz when The “Hildebeast” lost in 2016?
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