Glitter is a no-no

Helpful hint 101. Gals, please leave tbe glitter at home. Guys with SO's will greatly appreciate it.

I'm covered from head to toe in the shit. It's hot/sticky outside and a bitch and a half to get it off. Once again the little head took over. The best thing about it, she thought she was just a stripper. Proved her wrong and that she could be so much more.
Its a bitch to get off period.

Silly girls need to realize that glitter AND perfumes are NOT something to wear when seeing your clients. If you need to ask why, then you shouldn't be in this business.
Glitter is strictly verbotten! I've not gone near strippers in club because they were wearing it.

As far as the perfume trick is to buy your SO the same perfume your fave stripper/providers wears.....ahem.

Ah, who am I kidding. Ms. Elena is right about not wearing perfume. The olfactory senses of the female are beyond the Sherlock Holmes level of detection.
tmnb26's Avatar
Totally agreed, glitter gets in places you would never think of, and then shows its self when you don't want it to.
Glitter is strictly verbotten! I've not gone near strippers in club because they were wearing it. Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
Yeah, mp2, but the pussy was so good that I couldn't pass it up. Debated the situation for about 2 seconds and of course, it's obvious which head one. Thank goodness for rent payments due at the beginning of the month and that she was a little bit short, lol.
So, mr. nash, wtf you talkin' bout ??? I could use some fresh, new tlc !!!
So, mr. nash, wtf you talkin' bout ??? I could use some fresh, new tlc !!! Originally Posted by schmuckenputz
oh, ok...i get it
when's a good time to try that? open/action during the day at all?

Originally Posted by nashluv69
Bigh1955's Avatar
oh, ok...i get it
when's a good time to try that? open/action during the day at all?

Originally Posted by schmuckenputz