Elena's Taking Time Off

Only two people knew what's been going on with me since last Weds, but I felt I needed to clue everyone else in because of the calls and emails I've been receiving and haven't been responding to until tonight. I hope those who are on the board will understand.

I have a kidney stone that is stuck and its been causing me a great amount of pain since last Weds. I've had them before, so this is nothing new to me. But, I'm having surgery next Tuesday to have it removed. So, I've been off work and will continue to be off work until July 30/31st if all goes well.

Again, I hope those who had appointments with me understand that I wasn't able to respond due to either being in the ER or on pain killers which make me quite dopey and make me very sleepy.

I will honor the discounts/agreements I had with my clients once I return.

Thanks and see y'all soon.

Get well soon !!!!
nebman70's Avatar
Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
Osolomio's Avatar
Say...as long as you are flat on your back... Hee hee. Just kidding. Recovery is not just for addicts anymore. Take your time getting well. We'll work our way through the shakes and night sweats while you are gone.

Osolomio's Avatar
Sorry to hear about this Some things you just have no control over whatsoever.
Makes me glad we got to meet when we did. I hope you are feeling better quickly.
I've luckily never had a Kidney stone, but a friend of the family said he wouldn't wish that pain on his worst enemy.

Hope all goes well for you, and you will be feeling on top of the world again soon.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Get well soon MsE! You'll be in my prayers!
Best wishes and the very best of luck with this, Ms. Elena!

Hope it all goes well for you!
Thanks everyone. Y'all are too sweet and I can feel the love........hoping to feel more love in about 12-14 days though.
12blue4u's Avatar
I feel your pain Ms E, had them about 20 years ago and was no fun. Good thing is it is a lot better now with technology than it was then. Actually there are some people I would have wished them on. LOL.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I wish for you a speedy recovery dear lady.
snowbeard's Avatar
As the sage says, "This too will pass." Bad joke, but heartfelt wishes for your speedy recovery and being able to get back on your feet (or whatever) at 100%.
Omahan's Avatar
Best wishes Elena and get well soon.
Loki76's Avatar
Sorry to hear about the pain and problems, here's to a speedy and uneventful recovery! Get well soon!!!