Upscale Experiences

Bigh1955's Avatar
What makes an encounter "upscale?" I've read dozens of posts in the diamonds and tuxedos section on defining an upscale provider...and I don't think there's consensus.

I think location matters. I'm writing this while staying in a 5 diamond hotel. In this environment, even an average session would seem "upscale." The same session in a Drury Inn would be...well...average. Trouble is few providers stay in 5 diamond hotels, even fewer would venture here on an outcall...The "Pretty Woman" scenario is HIGHLY unlikely.

Does price matter? Is a $400 or $500/hour provider (heck - some post $1K/hour...really?!) expected to somehow outshine her $250 or $300/hour counterparts? What can these women provide in that hour that's so superior as to warrant the extra compensation? Does upscale mean more expensive, better sex, an illusion of passion and caring?...sounds dangerous to me.

What does upscale mean? Do you provide it? Do others crave it?
Omahan's Avatar
Upscale is an adverting slogan that allows over-charging.
TRex1176's Avatar
Thanks for posting Big H! I was wondering the same. I've seen some BP adds that look appetizing, but it seems that the providers in the community here seem to be more "upscale." I'm a little nervous about the BP girls, and I really don't want to get upsold or ripped off. Then again, maybe that is part of being a hobbyist?
Upscale to me means, clean, no pimp/works for self, takes time, educated, nice cloths, doesn't jump in cars or trucks, doesn't walk the street or hang out in bars. Enjoys what she is doing, isn't high or drunk. Oh, and goes to the doctor regularly for check ups.
Upscale cost more because you are getting a Lady and not someone that smells has std's, high or there to rip you off.
I wouldn't pay 500 an hour though, 300 max hr. Nicer location, higher price. I guess I would pay more if it was someone famous. lol
My idea of an n Upscale Experience should consist of, but isn’t limited to:
· A girl with a "PROFESSIONAL" attitude
· And educated provider
· An exceptionally well-toned body
· Tastefully done make-up
· Classy-not trashy attire
· A warm and inviting environment with appropriate music and lighting (candles perhaps)
· Special attention given to details
· Maturity, in my humble opinion, she must be over the age of 25. Face it; anyone younger lacks the experience and/or maturity to acquire “UPSCALE” status!

It has to be the total package. For example;
· Just because they are in an expensive hotel, doesn’t mean that they are an upscale provider!! Or,
· Most of us have experienced a gorgeous young girl with a tan toned body that was a total mental midget!!!
Bigh1955's Avatar
I think "upscale" goes beyong clean, educated, and a reasonably nice location. I also agree it seems to be a label that carries an unwarranted high sticker price. In my experience (limited as it may be) upscale also means she's going to spend the majority of the time talking to me, romancing my bone by teasing me. I don't think this is inherently bad, but I don't believe this is what hobbyists each their own. For me it comes down to price and activites included. Over $300/hour and she better have something going on that'll make me say"Wow!" at the end of the session...and a few times during the session. lol.