Stop With The Fake Or Outdated Pics

Vulgar1999's Avatar

Please stop with the fake or outdated pictures. I'm sure I speak for most hobbyist that there is no worse feeling than meeting someone who looks completely different than the pics on a profile. We are men and we are 100% visual beings. Further, this pisses us off and we will write a negative review and tell others. I would recommend you are honest and you might be surprised how much business might go your way because of it.
If you're not going to name names, then nothings going to change.
LazurusLong's Avatar
Gina of P411 pays a bounty if you find fake pics on any profile there.

Here? Not so much.

Create a thread and list the providers that you have seen and know for a fact are using fake photos but if all you are doing is complaining with no names and real evidence such as you saw the provider, than this is a waste.
My pics are reallll haha
He is just stating what he and a lot of us feel. Just be honest and post the real stuff.
No need to name names until it does happen. Normally that info will be found in the reviews ,what he was trying to get across is for the ladies to correct this issue before it gets to the review stage.
We all have been down this road and I agree it seems silly for the ladies to be willing to try this deceptive practice when all it will do is come back to bite them in the ass.

And yes jade's pics are real:-)
LazurusLong's Avatar

When it was pointed out in a recent review of Abby that some of her photos on P411 and also on ECCIE were close but not really her, all hell broke loose.

Her photos were initially all removed from P411 but those fake ones used here were not pulled. I haven't checked recently to see if the fake ones here on ECCIE have been removed but I hope so.

BUTT, the ruckus and WK attacks on those like myself who noted the fake photos amazed me. It truly did remind me of the WK attacks of those who noted when Charlie Knox was using "close" but not her photos on ASPD and it wasn't until a provider posted the full photos that Charlie used did she fess up.

Abby never fessed up, she just removed the fake ones from P411 because Gina does require real photos and not fake ones. ECCIE is not able to police all the showcase photos.

So I'm certain that there are some who aren't willing to take the heat when mentioning the photos are out of date.

I sure took a hell of a lot of heat when I noted that a studio girl's photos may have been her but they were pretty out of date a few months ago.

+2 on the pics of Jade being real.
Are you more concerned with the age of a lady's photos or that they're no longer accurate? If they're old(er) but still mostly accurate, is that still not acceptable?

I will freely admit that my photos are about two years old now, and they don't even have the right damn hair color in them. However, otherwise I look -- as far as I know -- pretty much the same. Maybe a few extra pounds (it's been a laaaaazy summer), but nothing major. I was kinda scrawny to begin with anyway.
I feel misled if pics are not current/accurate.
This includes airbrushed tats (my personal pet peeve).

Play it straight... It's good for business.

Is that your real photo in your avatar?
CajunBred's Avatar
I agree with most of the others. Providers, this is your "business". Would Apple advertise a certain computer or IPhone, and then not sell you the same thing at the store? Umm, no. I know it's not exactly the same thing, but if you are running a business you need to accurately advertise what you are selling or else your repeat business is gone and you earn a reputation as a liar and scam artist.
I blame the guys who fail to mention the misleading pictures in their reviews.

Just bitching about it doesn't do much for me.

Thank you to the many providers who do post accurate photos.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Monkmonk, maybe, yeah, to some small extent you can blame the guy for not being accurate on his description in a review, but he's just trying to be a gentleman. It's a fine line. I've done it myself on a review. We shouldn't be put in that position to begin with.

I will say that if my body was my business, as in the hotter the better and the more money I could make, you betcha damn well I'd be in the gym working my ass off, especially when you look at some of these girls who are just entering the hobby. These cornbread fed girls got bodies out of this world. The only things stopping them from taking over is reliability, level of service, and PIMPS. If they can get their act together, they would OWN this business (look at Brooke, for example).

Look ladies, I'ma spell it out for you: A hot female body is KRYPTONITE to a man with money (and to those without, too, for that matter). The hotter you make yourself, the GREATER your potential earnings will be. Of course, looks are only part of it. Service level and price play into it as well. But it starts with looks, though.

As far as provider pics go, ladies you've got to be honest with yourself. If your pics are outdated, inaccurate weight or size wise, or are simply not you, you should woman up and fix this. I know everyone's not a workout freak, but SOME evidence that you work out wouldn't hurt. The only way to keep up with youthful, gravity defying bodies is to eat better and hit the gym. Same for us guys.

Oh, my bad, ladies. Here I am trying to tell you how to make your money. What am I thinking. Silly me.
Are you more concerned with the age of a lady's photos or that they're no longer accurate?
Most important this is are they accurate? If they are old but show how you look today other than hair color etc that is fine. But if the person that is in the pics holds very little resemblance to what you look like now it comes down to deceptive business practices.
I may be just as likely to see the lady if she has changed as long as I know what I see is what I will get.
I posted a review recently where I mentioned the ladies pics weren't even close to what she looks like now.
Her service and attitude were great so if she would post recent photos her business probably would not suffer. But when a guy shows up expecting to see a certain person in a certain shape and she is not , all the great service in the world isn't going to wipe out his disappointment or the feeling that he has been hoodwinked.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-19-2010, 08:52 PM
Are you more concerned with the age of a lady's photos or that they're no longer accurate? If they're old(er) but still mostly accurate, is that still not acceptable?

I will freely admit that my photos are about two years old now, and they don't even have the right damn hair color in them. However, otherwise I look -- as far as I know -- pretty much the same. Maybe a few extra pounds (it's been a laaaaazy summer), but nothing major. I was kinda scrawny to begin with anyway. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
Good question Carrie, I haven't had any new photos in two years
either....just for that exact reason.... I look just the same....
only one thing has changed.....and that is my hair is longer....
I have noticed that on the online dating sites people tend to use old photo's, too. Myself, I use a current pic. Seems like eventually you will meet the person in the photo's. So why start off with a lie?

Also, I would agree that a Provider should regularly update her photo's. Anything less seems quite deceptive. It almost seems like eccie and p411 would make accurate pics a requirement for being able to post ads, etc.