SCOTUS delivers final daggar to trumpf

winn dixie's Avatar

SCOTUS wont even hear case to reinstate trumpf! Wow trumpf just keeps losing! lolling
All the trumpies fell for trumpf being reinstated and thinking this date then that date he will be prez again. How many dates came and went that telegram and the conspiracy tabloids and sites stated he would be back.

lolling snick snick

# hashtag trumpf the loser
winn dixie's Avatar
SCOTUS rejected to hear it twice! lolling

trumpf the perpetual loser! snick

SCOTUS wont even hear case to reinstate trumpf! Wow trumpf just keeps losing! lolling
All the trumpies fell for trumpf being reinstated and thinking this date then that date he will be prez again. How many dates came and went that telegram and the conspiracy tabloids and sites stated he would be back.

lolling snick snick

# hashtag trumpf the loser Originally Posted by winn dixie
How much of a loss did Trump sustain? He hasn't been charged or indicted for any crime and he can still run for President. Judges don't have to look into any claims of voter fraud or reinstate Trump no matter how out standing any evidence that voter fraud existed. If Trump was to be nominated and win the Election in 2024 Democrats would play the Voter Fraud game and make all kinds of unsubstantiated accusations. They did it in 2016.
winn dixie's Avatar
How much of a loss did Trump sustain? He hasn't been charged or indicted for any crime and he can still run for President. Judges don't have to look into any claims of voter fraud or reinstate Trump no matter how out standing any evidence that voter fraud existed. If Trump was to be nominated and win the Election in 2024 Democrats would play the Voter Fraud game and make all kinds of unsubstantiated accusations. They did it in 2016. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Good Post
I urge everyone though to stop and add it all up
His losses keep adding up. Everyone that associates with der trumpf gets thrown under the bus. For 2 years the trumpies and associates have said and believed trumpf would be reinstated.

trumps a loser! Terrible person! trumpf does not care about America or his trumpies! He just wants attention and money.
VitaMan's Avatar
Since your return WD40, you have really been pounding away at Mr. Trump
... Trump wasn't the one bringing the case...
You must have missed that.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
... Trump wasn't the one bringing the case...
You must have missed that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nope His minions carry his water
Good Post
I urge everyone though to stop and add it all up
His losses keep adding up. Everyone that associates with der trumpf gets thrown under the bus. For 2 years the trumpies and associates have said and believed trumpf would be reinstated.

trumps a loser! Terrible person! trumpf does not care about America or his trumpies! He just wants attention and money. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I am not going to defend Trump or anyone else in Politics because I am beginning to believe they are all actors in a sense. No one is going to save us. So Trump doesn't care about America, do any of them? I don't think any of them are really watching our backs. It's time everyone started realizing that.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
For a second there, I thought this was another TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS thread. Ever thought of getting a new hobby, like Pickle Ball or something? Whether or not you realize it - YOU are the exact reason Trump needs to run in 2024 and win. Obviously after that happens you will have to change your user ID to LossDixie, should you survive the inauguration without having a brain aneurysm .
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I am not going to defend Trump or anyone else in Politics because I am beginning to believe they are all actors in a sense. No one is going to save us. So Trump doesn't care about America, do any of them? I don't think any of them are really watching our backs. It's time everyone started realizing that. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Nailed it. Neither side gives a fuck about us. Do the best for yourself and leave your future up to you and not greedy ass politicians who are only looking to enhance the quality of their lives under the guise of caring about their supporters.

If people think guys like Trump or Biden actually care about them, they should get their heads examined ASAP.

Yeah, that sounds jaded, but I don't see the point in being naive enough to think complete strangers actually give a shit about me just because they are public servants and claim they do while asking for political contributions and my vote. They care about the power. They don't give a fuck about you, me or anyone else other than their loved ones and the size of their bank accounts.

Trump is the boy who cried wolf. Any court is probably not going to remotely even entertain his silly ass claims now, even his own damn judges he appointed. Haha
Just more "facts" to proof that trumpy is the biggest LOSER ever...except to the megas that prefer right wing rumors over FACTS
He is done and only a couple of thousand old people care about Diaper Don, it's time to put him to bed or prison and be over it.
winn dixie's Avatar
Himbeing reinstated as many around here were vomiting aint happening lolling and SNICK

# hashtag losertrumpf