Hello everyone,
I don't know if it happens much or hardly at all. I was a fool and got ripped off by a well reviewed provider here (Phoenix Sky). She called me yesterday evening seeing if I would be able to see her. We had tried to coordinate a meeting before that's why she had my number. She's very close to where I live so it was geographically convenient. We agreed to meet at the notel at 9 and she asked if I could get the room. This was suppose to be $ for 30 min. I got the room and 5 min after 9 I called her, she said she was running late and would be there in 20 min. She called a couple more times saying she had this , had that but she'd be there. She shows up a 10 Here is where I know I was an old fool but she asked if she could have the donation to go up front to get her a room because she had a friend with her in the car. I am a very nice and giving person by nature and I agreed to give it to her. After 7 min I called her, she answered and said " You not going to believe this but I was jumped by two black guys and they stole the money. I'm on my way to hospital" I didn't respond, just hung up because I knew I had been taken. I know people may bash me and I know I was a fool. Also I went up front to ask the clerk\mgr if anything like this just happened. He became very concerned and went to review video footage, he would not let me see video. He said he did not see any thing like that and he said he did see the the women go in my room come out 1 min later and get in a car and leave. He still wanted to call cops for me but I declined. But I am firm believer that no matter how careless, vulnerable or even stupid someone is. It's still 100% the perp's fault when they do wrong towards others. Out of the 8 times I have hobby'd recently this is my only real bad experience. Most of my experiences were very good a couple we did not click and this bad one. I'm not sure if I will hobby again but I know I will not change my personality, being cynical is unnatural to me. Have a good day.