OK help me with some input ladies and gents

I'm thinking about doing a deal where every 4th session is free "or at least tip" as a client appreciation.

What do ya'll think?

MARTlAN's Avatar
Who doesn't like free? Great idea
Gr8fun's Avatar
Marketing and value -- it is a business. It your own customer appreciation program!!!
Does my previous session with you count towards the four? (assuming you adapt this)
I like it. It shows you appreciate your clients.
I offer a free birthday BBBJ to my regulars
I offer a free birthday BBBJ to my regulars Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
I'm definitely game to become a regular then! There are 364/5 days in a year, and its someone's birthday everyday. Therefore, that's a free to me B..., oh, wait...


I see what meant. LOL.
fun2come's Avatar
That's a 25% discount, NICE, ... the follow through will be critical, but yeah, as I have adapted to say: A special by a special lady, makes it special :-)
FastWheels's Avatar
I'm due a couple of free sessions from a couple of providers it sounds like to me!!! I love the idea!
Tatonka's Avatar
I think that i like the way you think!

I think I like the way you look to.

Wish this type of thinking was more prevalent.
FS_ITC's Avatar
Great idea to keep 'em returning for more!
There ain't no free barbeque in Texas!
txbigdaddy's Avatar
Great birthday present Claire!!! Great customer appreciation!
harkontume's Avatar
It is a Sound strategy for client loyalty.

If it didn't work then my wallet wouldn't be full of punch cards , loyalty cards, frequent flyer cards... etc.. etc...
jb75's Avatar
  • jb75
  • 07-15-2013, 08:42 AM
great idea! who doesn't like free