Religious zealots and creepy emails

For those of you who aren't aware, my dad had a heart attack last week so I've been in Dallas caring for him and spending time with family. I returned last night, intending to work today. However, beginning at around 9 pm yesterday I started to receive a series of creepy and threatening emails from someone who refers to themselves as "Notzrim" These emails were laced with fire and brimstone type Bible verses, almost all of them ending with him telling me I would die for my sins.

I consider these to be threats and they really, really freaked me out. I'm not sure who else, if any, received these letters, but I can't say they don't completely spook me. I'll be taking the next few days off to reevaluate things and give myself a break. Ladies, please let's be careful and double down on screening, and if anyone would like this dipshit's info to send him some if your own choice words, I'd be happy to oblige.
The whole "Jesus hung-out with thieves and prostitutes" bit appears to have taken a wrong turn. Perhaps he went up to j/o during that part of the sermon and came back sometime around the invitational, missing the important parts.

Fuck that guy. And the guys like him who book and then give you shit about being a provider. Sorry that he's focusing his misguided creep on you and I hope he's just some self-hating blowhard who can't figure out how to turn his slut-shaming inward (although I'm sure he does turn his slut-shaming inward right before he blows a load in the corner of his prayer closet).
Sorry to hear about your dad Addison. Hope things are better. Don't let guys who have values all mixed up get to you. You will find there are a lot of hypocrites out there. Politicians who preach family valuesbut cheat on wives with 18yr old staffers and so on. Whatever you decide just keep head up.
It's not so much the judgment, I'm fine with what I do and am I'm no way religious whatsoever. But they were scary and threatening, and there are so many creeps our there it freaked me out. I'll be back in a few days, I'm just needing a break. But I might have a tighter screening process when I return..
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Sorry about your Dad Addison, and hope he's doing better...
As for the assclown, just be careful... Lot of wackjobs out there...
TheDude88's Avatar
Hope all is well in your world. Keep I'm mind there's a'lot extremist in Austin, with this special session going on, you stay safe girl. By the way I'd love to see what the asshat sent you.

you could always post the email address they came from and see if any one knows who it is or has the skills to track them down.
I wanted to post a screenshot of one of the emails he sent but I'm not sure how to upload the photo or if I was allows to post his info..he mentioned my P411 ad, but only emailed me so I'm not sure if he even has an eccie handle
*allowed..messaging on my cell phone while walking is probably a bad idea
cckid2006's Avatar
It's not so much the judgment, I'm fine with what I do and am I'm no way religious whatsoever. But they were scary and threatening, and there are so many creeps our there it freaked me out. I'll be back in a few days, I'm just needing a break. But I might have a tighter screening process when I return.. Originally Posted by AddisonGFE
Lost my dad when I was 4 to a heart attack. My oldest brother had the same condition and lived well into his 70s. The medical industry has really improved the survivor rates. Hoping your dad still has a healthy life ahead.

The asshole is an asshole - think water off a duck's back.
Sorry to hear that Addison. I hope things turn around for you soon.
Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Also sorry to hear about this asshat that has frightened you. How much more chickenshit can you get. Hiding behind "Jesus"

Please don't post the text/email in the open here per the following:
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed

You can e mail them to me and I will do some looking for you if you would like.

fun2come's Avatar

it's a sad state some people are in. I am sorry someone like that got to you.
Stepping back and reevaluating is always a good idea.
I just hope you find the right path for you out of this.
Addison, you are amazing. It's obvious you love what you do, and you are damn good at it, too! Don't let some misguided creeper get you down, and that is great advice for everyone to use some tighter screening. Rule #1 should always be safety for all of you ladies.

I hope your dad is doing well. To reiterate what cckid posted, my dad had a heart attack many years ago and he's still going strong. The advances in medical treatment of heart disease has come a long way. He should have many more healthy years ahead of him.

Keep your head up!!
Damn....what a way to kick someone when they are down. Addison, sorry this has happened to you, especially at this time. You don't need this. No one needs this when they are stressed about the well-being of your loved ones. Please keep us posted on your dad's progress.