Now THIS Is Racist...

I was watching The Wiggles with my an the other morning. Well, he was watching and I was rolling my eyes in haughty derision at how freakin profoundly gay this show is. What ever happened to Bugs Bunny? Why can he share my man-love of Oscar the Grouch?

Anyway, I began to wonder. In this enlightened age and increased connectivity of the planet, why don't the wiggles have at least 1 aboriginal character?

I'm offended (which really means something nowadays). This slight of the First Nations people of Australia should not be ignored. It's just another example of the "trickle down" effect of NBA providers (see how I tied that in to Co-Ed) and their shameless discrimination of the brown man in Murica.

I call on the hobby faithful to stand with me on March 18th and boycott The Wiggles. In solidarity and with one voice we will crush the racist, oppressive singer of stupid, kiddie songs by having a drink and posting on Eccie while they dance their dance if oppression.


Thank you for your support and Happy Sunday/Pre St. Patty's Day!!
I got yer back, brother!

I don't even know what the hell the Wiggles are LOL

I don't have kids and I stopped watching cartoons 10+ years ago (well except Family Guy lol) but I agree..

Sometimes when I'm flipping channels and I pause on one of the new kid/cartoon shows I always think how absolutely ridiculous television is getting. SMH
Thanks Mojo!! This is a fight worth fighting!!
planojim's Avatar
Sweet Treat...sadly know who 'The Wiggles' are...and I have no children (that I know of that is)
Consider yourself blessed not to have heard of them lovely lady!

I don't even know what the hell the Wiggles are LOL

I don't have kids and I stopped watching cartoons 10+ years ago (well except Family Guy lol) but I agree..

Sometimes when I'm flipping channels and I pause on one of the new kid/cartoon shows I always think how absolutely ridiculous television is getting. SMH Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
I don't even know what the hell the Wiggles are LOL
Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
"The wiggles" is the move Jim Morrison performed right before this

Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm down with a Wiggles boycott!

we should focus on the Banana Splits next... I'm not sure exactly what grudge I harbor, but I don't trust them as far as I can throw them..
DownForWhatever's Avatar
How about this one for reprogramming modern wonder all my 20-something employees don't have a pair.

How about this one for reprogramming modern wonder all my 20-something employees don't have a pair.

Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
They're Next!!! Pointed Head Bastards!!
  • g1102
  • 03-16-2014, 04:37 PM

Anyway, I began to wonder. In this enlightened age and increased connectivity of the planet, why don't the wiggles have at least 1 aboriginal character?

I'm offended (which really means something nowadays). This slight of the First Nations people of Australia should not be ignored. It's just another example of the "trickle down" effect of NBA providers (see how I tied that in to Co-Ed) and their shameless discrimination of the brown man in Murica.

Thank you for your support and Happy Sunday/Pre St. Patty's Day!! Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
Str8- Don't you know that Wags the dog IS the black guy? Look, it could have been worse they made the Irishman "Captin Feathersword"

muffin101's Avatar
I feel like I should know the Wiggles but I don't....

Still gonna tho.....

So which show was racist??

Makes me kinda glad that all I watch nowadays is Eccie and porn
Don't forget this group (although one looks like a studded vibrator).

Don't forget this group (although one looks like a studded vibrator).

Originally Posted by SD2011
Every time I ever watched that show I thought "I'm sure this would make sense if I only had wee bit more LSD in me."
hey now... jack black is somehow involved with yogabagaba so that makes them ok by me )
bojulay's Avatar
Just leave Witchy Poo the F alone!!!!

No, I mean really, she was seriously scary and twisted.