Is this all I think about:SEX...I go to bed thinking about it, I wake up thinking about it...If i'm alone all day by myself I think about SEX, does this mean I have a problem? If I have company 9 times out of 10 it wont cross my mind, but as soon as they walk out the door its back to thinking about getting it on. Sex is on my mind..damn damn damn..What could be my issue if there is I the only one out here like this??
You could probably get more of it if you stopped charging for it. That might provide you with some relief from this horrible mental and emotional torture.
I never said I had problems getting any, I only said I think about it all the me getting some sex is the least of my worries trust!!! I was just writing what I was thinking....Geesh!!!
One of the results of being a provider who truly loves sex is you get very very addicted to it. Not just providers but any gal who has sex everyday and really truly gets turned by it. Like SNL and Latnremedy noted, it gets even stronger as you get older. Try to make the sex as rewarding and fulfilling as possible so you do get lots of satisfaction. Frequent orgasms seem to help a lot.