Incall Locations

What areas and places do you prefer for incall for a provider local to your area?

Do you prefer traveling into the city to see a provider local to you (Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo) or do you prefer the suburbs? Does it matter?

How far would you be willing to travel outside of your hometown or workplace to see a local provider (10 miles, 30 miles, etc)?

What is your ideal incall location and does a provider's meeting location influence whether you will see her?

Would you visit a provider more often based on her incall location (home vs hotel)?

Are there any locations or settings that make you feel uneasy or unsafe?

I prefer the suburbs.

I won't go downtown to see someone or to an unsafe part of Buffalo. Home vs hotel doesn't matter to me.

There are many areas of the city (east and west side) that I won't goto for a meeting.

Lack of safe parking, smoking at the in-call, unexpected people, or a messy in-call would be a problem.
smokey1187's Avatar
cheektowga has a lot of hotels safe cheap
I preferr incall to a home/apartment. Somehow I do not getcomfortable at a hotel unless it is mine. I would probably travel 30 miles or so however Ihave traveled to bufffalo fromRochester tosee one once. Buddyed it up with another meeting but i made theother meeting to accompany my hobby meeting.HAHA
jokacz's Avatar
I don’t mind a decent hotel but I prefer a home or apartment. I don’t like a bath towel spread out on a funky hotel bedspread. But at the same time I don’t want to create more work for the lady by turning down the covers.

I drive to Rochester from Buffalo all the time. I guess I might go as far as Syracuse given the proper motivation. (Sara)

In Canada I tolerate the fleabag hotels on Lundy’s Lane just to keep expenses down. Why spend 300 bucks on an agency girl and a bed when you could see Erica for the same money in a great place? That’s the main reason I’m so excited about incalls becoming more common in Canada in light of the recent court ruling.
What areas and places do you prefer for incall for a provider local to your area?

Suburban hotel areas or nice neighborhoods.

Do you prefer traveling into the city to see a provider local to you (Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo) or do you prefer the suburbs? Does it matter?

The suburbs - to avoid parking problems.

How far would you be willing to travel outside of your hometown or workplace to see a local provider (10 miles, 30 miles, etc)?

80 miles to the eastern suburbs of Rochester.

What is your ideal incall location and does a provider's meeting location influence whether you will see her?

Ideal incall: a comfortable home in a quiet area.
Deal breaker: a messy place or a bad location.

Would you visit a provider more often based on her incall location (home vs hotel)?


Are there any locations or settings that make you feel uneasy or unsafe?

Any sign of lack of discretion.
nytefyter's Avatar
What areas and places do you prefer for incall for a provider local to your area?

Suburban hotel areas or decent neighborhoods (providers have to be careful in "nice" neighborhoods, because the neighbors don't like traffic).

Do you prefer traveling into the city to see a provider local to you (Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo) or do you prefer the suburbs? Does it matter?

I kinda prefer being inside city limits. I think it might just be a perception thing, but it seems that cities are more tolerant of sex work, while the suburbs (perhaps Greece was an exception, but it seems to be tightening up now) tend to clamp down on it.

How far would you be willing to travel outside of your hometown or workplace to see a local provider (10 miles, 30 miles, etc)?

1 hour drive, but I won't repeat the journey unless the experience was above average (I like to think that above average is becoming my average, and I like it that way). Honestly, I tend to visit with girls in Buffalo based upon a need for discretion.

What is your ideal incall location and does a provider's meeting location influence whether you will see her?

Ideal is a place of privacy, decent lighting, and clean. What I don't like are small mammals that want to make various noises at me or climb on me when I stop to visit; even behind closed doors (I love dogs and have two of my own, but I can manage my allergies with them - not when the animals climb on me). When I make a first visit, I like to know if there will be somebody else "around" before I show up. Almost forgot to add that temperature control is paramount - I hate shivering in the cold, and I don't think the girls appreciate me sweating on them.

Would you visit a provider more often based on her incall location (home vs hotel)?

No, I would visit a provider more often based upon the overall experience.

Are there any locations or settings that make you feel uneasy or unsafe?

Location in a (perceived) "bad" neighborhood will make me cancel a visit. The "maintenance man" hanging out in the hallway or sitting in a car in the lot (if the provider has a safety net, fine - just tell me about it) always makes me feel like I'm about to get rolled. Dark entryways and rooms (allows bad guys and LE to hide and grab you when you fall for the bait) are bad practice for both men and women (women can see who they are receiving at the door - integral part of screening). Bad smells also raise warning flags.
ConsultantGuy's Avatar
Ditto to Jack's comments
What areas and places do you prefer for incall for a provider local to your area?

I strongly prefer a provider that does incall in her home vs. hotels or other

Do you prefer traveling into the city to see a provider local to you (Rochester, Syracuse, Buffalo) or do you prefer the suburbs? Does it matter?

At this point I actually have to travel to Rochester from Syracuse to see Oanyone I am interested in. obviously I would prefer closer.

How far would you be willing to travel outside of your hometown or workplace to see a local provider (10 miles, 30 miles, etc)?

Willing vs exigency... I guess we're looking at 90+ miles

What is your ideal incall location and does a provider's meeting location influence whether you will see her?

Yes it is a large factor.

Would you visit a provider more often based on her incall location (home vs hotel)?

I would definitely give preference to a provider based on her incall location

Are there any locations or settings that make you feel uneasy or unsafe?

I once saw a gorgeous girl in Syracuse who's "incall" was a room in her semi-insane godmother's basement apartment, mattress-on-the floor w/ alarm clock. That's the worst I've ever encountered but I've read far shadier on here.

Actually that reminds me, the last review I wrote on here.. I drove to the woman's apartment, I pulled in to the wrong apartment complex parking lot accidentally... I called her and got directions for the correct location, that was really only 200 yards down the road. The difference between these two locations was... astronomical. One, upper middle class clean, manicured lawns, nice environment, no doubt nice on the inside, quiet pleasant neighborhood.. the second, literally less than two minutes down the road, what they call Bricks, low class, nasty inside, dodgy juveniles outside, and I thought to myself as I left, damn if you turned two more tricks a MONTH you could be living in there instead of here for the rent difference... and yes if she was providing out of location 1 I would have seen her again. Some people just like squalor I guess, so maybe that's not a problem.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Actually that reminds me, the last review I wrote on here.. I drove to the woman's apartment, I pulled in to the wrong apartment complex parking lot accidentally... I called her and got directions for the correct location, that was really only 200 yards down the road. The difference between these two locations was... astronomical. One, upper middle class clean, manicured lawns, nice environment, no doubt nice on the inside, quiet pleasant neighborhood.. the second, literally less than two minutes down the road, what they call Bricks, low class, nasty inside, dodgy juveniles outside, and I thought to myself as I left, damn if you turned two more tricks a MONTH you could be living in there instead of here for the rent difference... and yes if she was providing out of location 1 I would have seen her again. Some people just like squalor I guess, so maybe that's not a problem. Originally Posted by Dirigible
The place she was in may have a higher rent.
A provider I know had a sugar daddy put his name on a place that was great. But she paid the rent. He was no longer willing to have his name used in this manner. So the owner even with the fact she was always on time with the rent. And had no problems with her, or about her. Said you have to show me paper work as to where you work. So she had to leave to a place that was not as nice. The rent was higher. But that land lord did not care how she came up with the rent. Just as long as she did come up with it.
74Jag's Avatar
  • 74Jag
  • 10-27-2010, 06:42 PM
I've gone downtown & parked on the street - never felt unsafe. I definitely prefer girls with at least semi-permanent locations. I think everyone I've seen this year has rented an extra place for business. But I've also seen at least one girl who workjed where she lived. The neighbors worked during the day but she took no incalls after 5:00.

The main advantage of a suburban location is off stree discreet parking. Especially in the winter, strret parking can be a problem.

I'll drive 30 minutes each way.
silverfox's Avatar
I prefer the Rochester area...but i HATE having to go downtown (or the inner loop area)....parking sucks, and I have a very expensive car. I won't visit a provider unless she has a private driveway, I'm not parking in the street, or in a parking ramp.
I have a very expensive car. I won't visit a provider unless she has a private driveway, I'm not parking in the street, or in a parking ramp. Originally Posted by silverfox
You need a hobby car!
elghund's Avatar
I prefer the Rochester area...but i HATE having to go downtown (or the inner loop area)....parking sucks, and I have a very expensive car. I won't visit a provider unless she has a private driveway, I'm not parking in the street, or in a parking ramp. Originally Posted by silverfox

Hijack Alert..

An Elephant was walking through the jungle, and came to a clearing, and saw a large pit of quicksand, with a monkey in the middle, sinking fast....

The elephant looked around, shrugged, and then straddled over the quicksand, so the monkey could grab his penis.....and then pulled himself to safety out of the quicksand.

The next day, the same monkey entered another clearing, and saw the same elephant sinking in another large pit of quicksand. The monkey looked down, shrugged, and went into the next field, where he found a Mercedes......he looked in the car, and the keys were in the ignition....he took the keys, opened the trunk...and found some rope...... which he tied to the bumper of the Mercedes, and then returned to throw the other end of the line to the elephant...who then pulled himself to safety.

The Moral of the Story:

If you have a big dick, you don't need a Mercedes.........

(Apologies to Silverfox and the Mods....I just couldn't resist.....)

You need a hobby car! Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Along with the hobby phone!

Cars are stolen all the time in downtown Rochester and it doesn't matter what year, make or model they are. People steal them just to get from one place to another and then sell whatever they can that is inside the car. I know. It happened to me within an hour of parking the car.........poof........gone.