Need a driver?

Missnayajkartier's Avatar
Hey I’m actually a rideshare driver. Need a driver for a trip or a personal driver for the day? Contact me
mrredcat43's Avatar
You and about 25k other people in the metroplex. Just make sure you have commercial insurance, otherwise your regular car insurance won't cover your passengers if in a wreck.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I drive for Uber part time. Uber requires me to have personal basic auto insurance but If I am driving a passenger and I get into an accident, Uber has insurance coverage for minimum of $1m that covers both me, my car and the passengers, but the Uber app has to be on. If I choose to drive folks around without using the app, I am on my own. The Uber insurance also covers me and my car if I am logged onto the Uber app on and I am driving around waiting for a rider.
mrredcat43's Avatar
You gotta come up with that $1000 deductible if on Uber, $2500 if on Lyft. Have fun with that
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
You are correct, Sir. There is a $1k deductible. It should still be less than the cost to pay for that Uber insurance yourself.
daddyo67's Avatar
Damn!!! the girl was asking if anyone needed a driver! not for a lot of Bull about Insurance!
Miss Naya, as my buddy Mr. Red Cat mentioned quite astutely, there are a lot of rideshare drivers in the DFW area. Most of us would find it more convenient to just request a Lyft or Uber driver near us rather than calling you, especially if you're far away. The Lyft or Uber driver will probably be cheaper and faster too since he/she will be very close to our location.

However there is a niche service that you can provide and which in fact, you're uniquely suited to provide since you're both an ECCIE provider and a ride share driver.

You can drive other ECCIE providers to their outcall locations and then drive them back after they're done. However, you won't just be their means of transport. You will also be their protection & security. You'll wait outside the outcall location in your car with your phone ready. The provider who's doing the outcall will feel safe because you're out there waiting for her in your car. The provider will also tell her client that you're waiting outside for her so that he behaves himself.

After all, going to an outcall location where you're going to meet a strange man can be scary for anyone, even if he has passed your screening. This way, you can feel safe doing outcalls and probably meet more guys, which will increase your income.

In return, Miss. Naya can take a small cut of the provider's donation for her time. Fari vagnari u pizzu. Of course, Miss. Naya can only provide this service when she's not meeting clients herself.

Anyway, just something to consider. I've noticed a few guys offering to be a driver for the ladies but I think most ladies would prefer Miss. Naya because she's a woman and a fellow ECCIE provider.
Missnayajkartier's Avatar
For the confused and paced replies , lol I am extremely intelligent and college educated. I AM a rideshare driver also. Not sure why it was assumed that I don’t know how my job works? Or that I need insurance advice ? Lmao this is not craigslist. I posted here in case someone actually needs a driver, not a one off ride. I should have added IF YOU DONT NEED A DRIVER MOVE ALONG, but my big brain didn’t think anyone would bother a post that didn’t apply to their needs. Lmao totally unsure either why it was assumed my rates would be higher than uber which would defeat the purpose of me driving independently and for these companies to offer CHEAPER rates. I posted on this site because some of US need to travel to and from different locations, and some women don’t have cars or would prefer someone who understands their profession to drive them around for less than uber costs all day long. I have free days to assist THEM since I do not hobby here in Dallas thus far. But proceed with you guys conversation. Every reply has been irrelevant thus far so this thread is ignored. If there was a section for only women in Dallas I would have posted there but I didn’t see it. I’ll check again
Missnayajkartier's Avatar
Miss Naya, as my buddy Mr. Red Cat mentioned quite astutely, there are a lot of rideshare drivers in the DFW area. Most of us would find it more convenient to just request a Lyft or Uber driver near us rather than calling you, especially if you're far away. The Lyft or Uber driver will probably be cheaper and faster too since he/she will be very close to our location.

However there is a niche service that you can provide and which in fact, you're uniquely suited to provide since you're both an ECCIE provider and a ride share driver.

You can drive other ECCIE providers to their outcall locations and then drive them back after they're done. However, you won't just be their means of transport. You will also be their protection & security. You'll wait outside the outcall location in your car with your phone ready. The provider who's doing the outcall will feel safe because you're out there waiting for her in your car. The provider will also tell her client that you're waiting outside for her so that he behaves himself.

After all, going to an outcall location where you're going to meet a strange man can be scary for anyone, even if he has passed your screening. This way, you can feel safe doing outcalls and probably meet more guys, which will increase your income.

In return, Miss. Naya can take a small cut of the provider's donation for her time. Fari vagnari u pizzu. Of course, Miss. Naya can only provide this service when she's not meeting clients herself.

Anyway, just something to consider. I've noticed a few guys offering to be a driver for the ladies but I think most ladies would prefer Miss. Naya because she's a woman and a fellow ECCIE provider. Originally Posted by VeryClean
And thank you for this primarily common sense response/advice. This is pretty literally what I thought would be assumed by my post so I didn’t bother to make a long drawn out initial thread. although I wouldn’t request much as payment just a daily fee. Thanks for helping out the thread for onlookers though lol a lot of confusion in here
TheOracle's Avatar
I don't really get the insurance replies, but I also don't get why you would post in the coed section and assume that everyone would know that your post was only for other providers when you specified that nowhere in your initial post.
mrredcat43's Avatar
If your post was geared to the ladies, it would have been better posted in the powder room
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
I was answering Mr. Red Cat, I wasn't answering her. I was answering Mr. Red Cat to let him know how the Uber insurance coverage and insurance requirement for their drivers works. If Mr. Red Cat didn't say anything, I would not had reply in here.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 06-13-2019, 04:55 PM
This is not Craigslist, go there to post your driving gig offer
You could drive the guys to their appointments. Be nice to have someone to talk about the sessions on the way home
GingerKatt's Avatar
Missnayajkartier, I understood your initial post perfectly of course. You were succinct and to the point. Up until about 8 mths ago when I began an extended private booking, I would have been all over your post. I don't drive in the DFW area. And I wouldn't want to be driven be a male.

Taxis were getting very expensive and for Uber/Lyft I tried that as it's much cheaper than a cab. But they require a regular credit card issued by a bank and I only operate on a cash basis and pre paid debit cards to pay bills and shop online.

I think it's fine to place this in the CoEd forum. But there ARE Ladies Only forums that you should place this in as well.

On the Eccie Worldwide site, go about halfway down to the Business Services Forum. It's not ladies only, but as the title says, it's to advertise your business services. Not for ads or updates. So that's a great place for you to start a thread in as well.

Then keep going down to the Women's Powder Room. There's a Sub Forum in it called Goods and Services. Offers, Requests, and Notices. Only for ladies, like all of the sub forums in the Powder Room.
So post there too. Both of these Forums are in Eccie Worldwide of course, so you reach all cities that use Eccie. Great place to post.

And then click on the Dallas site, and there's a Forum called;
Ladies Infoshare.

Also only for ladies, and you can share what you need to with the other ladies. And every major city that uses Eccie has a Ladies Infoshare as well. So anywhere you want to drive people, you can post in all the cities you're active in. So after your original thread in CoEd, there's 3 more places for you to post!

Good luck! And in the Ladies Only sections, you might mention what year and type of car you have or ask the ladies to PM you for that info, as well as assure them of your great driving record.
______________________________ ____________

And BLM...sigh. Stop being a bully please. This lady has a legitimate service to offer and she's allowed to announce that service. And she seems pretty smart. I think she knows what sites she wants to post on without your "advice". And it's for your own good too. Most ladies research a client very carefully before deciding to see him; including his posting history. If he's frequently snarky and condescending to other ladies, as well as being a bully; well that pathetic guy gets passed over.

I'm just glad I got to see you before you became such a keyboard know it all. Someone so cute, nice and talented in person shouldn't be so distasteful to ladies, on a site where everyone has the right to post. Like the OP said, "why would anyone click on this thread and even post on it; if they have no interest in using the service?" I'm sure you're aware that every post lasts forever and that it's very easy to research a members' history.

I'm going to save her info; just in case I'm back out there someday. So you just go on and post on a thread that truly interests you and one in which you can post politely. I know it's in you!