Lesson Learned - I'm Definitely Getting Older

Say What's Avatar
So, I've been battling the Age-Train like everyone else. Shit aches in the morning whether I did anything physical the day before or not. People are starting to ref to me as the "older guy" when discussing a group of friends. And, I have the urge to buy a sports car I probably can't get in and out of. Yep, all the signs are there.

I had a hall pass and decided to use it on an elegant evening in Dallas: great steak, tuxedo, Theater ticket...not tickets, ticket. I wanted to go flirt with ladies in evening dresses and disposable income. The loud nightclub scene wasn't what I had in mind. THIS eventually ended up being my first clue that I'm closer to the sunset than sunrise.

I did enjoy my dinner. Nothing beats a great steak and a well-prepared meal. Got to the Theater and made my way to my seat...great seat by the way. As the others took their seats I started to realize that I was surrounded by silver-haired elitists and ladies my own age! Oh shit!

The old bat next to me was pleasant enough. She leaned over and asked if I had come to see the performance by myself. I immediately felt old and fucking pathetic. Who the fuck goes to the theater in a tux by themselves? What the fuck? When I said, "yes" she replied with, "It's a shame that younger people don't truly appreciate the arts anymore." FUCK ME! I politely excused myself and pulled out my phone...www.ECCIE.net ASAP

I figured I could prove to myself that I still GOT IT, even at my age.

I arranged to meet with two young spinners! Yeah, that's right...tickets, not ticket! Already made that mistake...not again, my friend. We're fucking two chicks much less than half my age!

I'll post a review later, but I did learn a valuable lesson. I can still keep up with the young guns here! It may require a little blue pill and two days to recover, but I can do it. Toby Keith was right! I ain't as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.

Thank you, BarbieSpreadumz and PlayfulPaige69, whose combined age is still less than mine! I hope the two of you have recovered from a night with this silver-haired geezer.


You're only as old as you let yourself feel.

I need some sleep and a vitamin pack.
Randall Creed's Avatar
The next question is, how long can you keep THAT up?

Father Time is undefeated for a reason, dude. That MF'er is impossible to beat.
Really? A tux? That seems unbelievable.
Randall Creed's Avatar
As far as the tux goes, I'll tell you what. It's better to look sharp than to dress down and looking a little too bummy. Chance favors the more prepared. Who do you think looks more ready for some random, once in a lifetime hot chick to instantly want to bang, a guy who looked like he just finished surfing OR the guy who looked like he got stood up for a big date?

Now, maybe the tux was slightly over the top, but the look works better than shorts and t-shirt, especially for a night out.
pyramider's Avatar
Remember your balls will end up in the toilet bowl.
texasmarine's Avatar
I'm going to buy you an old plaid recliner and put you in front of a TV. The recliner will even have the side pocket for a remote and newspaper.

Say What's Avatar
Unbelievable? A man with a tux? You need to get you some culture, badidea. There is a whole big world out there. And sometimes there is a dress code. Lol

The tux was appropriate for the venue. Hence, looking for ladies in evening gowns/dresses. most of the men there were in a tux. Not my choice of evening attire for an average night out.

I'll keep it up as long as I'm able, I guess. Beats just surrendering to Father Time. I'm gonna make him fight for this one.
no glove no love's Avatar
God Dammit you kids get off my lawnnnnn........
I just love a tux...
Say What, if you're wakin' up grumpy n creeky in the morning, it's your body's way of telling you to EXCERCISE!!! Doesn't have to be strenuous...and 20 minutes a day will do it. Mix it up: cardio, bands, abs, plyo...
Pumpin' these Providers will do it, too...in a more fun way of course! Check out this site: www.beachbody.com All kinds of workout videos you can do in your home (and no, I am not a Coach for them).

As Rob Schnieder says in every movie he's in:
"You can do it!"
Of course he wore a tux. What else should he have worn???? Besides maybe a dark suit?

Glad it all turned out for you, Say What! The funny thing is that you probably could have rolled into some 20 year old hangout dressed like that and had hotties all over you...they just do to go to the theatre. Sad. I love the theatre.
I give props to someone that wants to treat himself and does it to the nines.
Gotta luv a man in a tux and then luv him even more out of one.

Men to not get old. The become distinguished.
Say What's Avatar
I give props to someone that wants to treat himself and does it to the nines. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Well, thank you, EL. When the nines weren't workin' I called up some twenty-somethings. Lol

Turns out, that was a great way to treat myself too. And I got in the ab workout Prolongus recommended.
I give props to someone that wants to treat himself and does it to the nines. Originally Posted by EasyLover214
Exactly! Age is how you feel...I'd say you simply matured to see the more refined aspects of life.

It's kinda like the strip clubs....do you want to go to The Lodge or maybe a club where gowns are mandatory after a certain time or a Clubhouse where fishnets and heavy eye make-up is all the rage...its just preference. As long as you like it, I love it!
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
No way... I really thought you were 29 or 30!