The Usual Suspects Poker Tournament Results

BigLouie's Avatar
First I would like to thank all those who showed up both to play and socialize. We were a little short on the socializers but made up for it on the large number of players.

1. Whatafunman - Beginners luck! First ever tournament.
2. Photo Therapy - This is beginning to be a habit with him. Another final table.
3. Wild William - Lost when his King -10 lost to King - 4 of hearts when the flush came.
4. Theos - One of those long time "made men" Tough as nails and an excellent player.
5. StickItInYou - Another final table. This guy is tough.

Thanks to the wonderful and beautiful dealers for making it such a fun event.
PhotoTherapy's Avatar
Thanks, again, for all the work you guys do to make this happen. Until next time...
Good stuff, Louis. I got a pretty damn good workout hauling those heavy ass tables up and down the stairs.

Big thanks to you and Jake for putting it together. Pleasure seeing all you old fuckers again.
Appreciate the effort you guys go to and the invite. I had fun and am looking forward to the next one.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Had a blast, love putting faces to names of all my fellow pervers.............
I had a great time as well!! sorry i had to leave early! my puppy is touch and go right now thanks for concern!
starflash's Avatar
Thanks again for another ten..........Much enjoyed and appreciated Louie and Jake............
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Sorry I couldn't make it. Next time for sure.
Thanks for your efforts guys.
Yowzer's Avatar
Thanks again Louie and company. Nice to see some old ASPD faces and met a few of the providers that showed.

I won't easily forget Jewel Jones and her puppy noses poking out of her spandex looking top. The mountain might be small, but its whats on top that's important. (Disclaimer: I'm going in this week before Saturday. Madison May was also pretty hot.)

I only wish that more providers came. Guys: some providers just don't know about these and verified ones are almost automatically invited (if they ask). So let your fav provider know the next time.

P.S. I'm still wondering about that crazy ion shit that (ex) provider (Kay La or whatever) was selling. I wish she was still in the biz. IMO, toxins coming out of your feet in water is bullshit. But, if she really wants a sell, maybe we could work something out
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Louie, thanks so much for the invite. Really enjoyed the poker game. Meeting Jewel Jones and Madison was most definitely worth the effort. Jewel was very charming and of course strikingly lovely!
sharkman29's Avatar
Wish I could have made it. Family life came up and I answered the call.
Louie, Thanks for the invite to the tournament. Great game. As i was finishing my 3rd beer, I looked around and there was only 1 other player at my table drinking. I found out in a hurry that I was no match for the sober players lol. I didnt have much of a chance, but I had a great time anyway. Pictures don't do Jewel or Madison justice.
BigLouie's Avatar
Yes Jewel and Madison were striking and certainly very impressive. I am very happy they were able to make it.
Houston007's Avatar
BigLouie - Thanks for another great tournament!! The dealers were all gorgeous as usual! You guys do a great job with this every time!!!

It was a treat to see Madison again, but she looks much better in a towel!! Jewel was a real beauty and lots of fun to chat with. I also finally introduced myself to Veronica, who has been at a bunch of these tournaments. One more and she should get a free buy-in.

Oh - and thanks for listing me as 3rd place! I guess there were 2 non-ECCIE guys who finished above me in the rankings. Against these sharks I'll take 5th place any day!!
whatafunman's Avatar
I had a blast. I almost didnt go since i wouldn't know anyone there. It was nice to see Madison. I saw her a long time ago and i tried writing my first review for her and got that typical non friendly response that i so often see here. Plus it was denied. So I wasn't sure how this would go. Well every one was very nice. The game was pleasant. I don't remember hearing one loud outburst or argument all night. At one point about half way through I was running short on chips and had the big blind at 400. Then next hand I had the button. I could have kept my mouth shut and kept the 200 small blind but I spoke up and the hand was cancelled and we started over. That hand i won and well the rest is history. I don't care for poker as much as blackjack. I have only played for cash a couple times with friends and once in a casino in cali. Never a tournament. It was exciting and it went so fast. I'm grateful for the invite. And as far as Rachel the dealer. Holy shit I have never met a more beautiful sweetheart. I'm so glad i sat next to her insyead of across from her. I wouldn't have been able to concentrate. I did sit across from her at final table and kept hoping for a wardrobe malfunction. Thanks again. It was also my first but hopefully not my last Eccie function.