No bullets -- just tomatoes.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Hillary now has a real war story.

CAIRO, July 15 (Reuters) - Protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade on Sunday during her first visit to Egypt since the election of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.
FTA: "Protestors chanted "Monica, Monica."

So much for the "Charm Offensive Tour" that started out BHO's presidency. What a maroon.
That whole region is cursed earth.
No country has fucked around over there and Not
walked away with egg on their faces.

How do you fight a radical population that would rather die as radical jihadists than compromise and live in peace... Short of eradication ?
I would love to hear some thoughts .
Her part of motorcade was already around the corner,just local goons were hit,understand they threw shoes also.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Heaven help Egypt is Hillary ever become president. She will make them pay and the first woman president will have to kick someone's ass just for GP.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Regardless of what one thinks of Hillary, she is representing the United States in a foreign country, one that receives billions in foreign aid, and received assistance in their deposing of their last President. We should repay Egypt for its hospitality by pulling our money, and whatever other assets we have there, out of the country, ASAP.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Regardless of what one thinks of Hillary, she is representing the United States in a foreign country, one that receives billions in foreign aid, and received assistance in their deposing of their last President. We should repay Egypt for its hospitality by pulling our money, and whatever other assets we have there, out of the country, ASAP. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
She is representing the Odumbo administration in a country that he visited and "inspired" during his apology tour. Hillary and Odumbo betrayed Mubarak, and they are now reaping the bitter fruit they sowed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
LOL, IB. "Bitter fruit"! Pun intended? That was funny.
got the boot