Avatar of a Provider

OldGrump's Avatar
Over the years, I've changed avatars several times. My current one tickled my fancy at the time. I tend to favor the bananas that I used previously. It was a more subtle suggestion that fit my personality better.

Many guys have girls as their avatar. A lot of those are providers.

The sensitive old fogy that I am, I was wondering how the ladies feel if they see a fellow provider as a guys avatar. How do you feel if it is you?

I assume the guys use them because they are their ATF or just an example of what they admire.

Comments? (Besides that I should find something else to do with my time. I'm too old to get any job except as a WalMart Greeter).
I just like the eye candy. Saves me time from clicking on her Showcase.
OldGrump's Avatar
Prolongus, I understand the view. I like legs over boobs.

What about those who have ladies who can be identified by the avatar?
The picture of Dallas's tight ass was taken to be used as my avatar but she started using it. It took me a while to get it back. I like it better than my old avatar of a pimps gold teeth.
daty/o's Avatar
I usually assume that if a guy has a provider as his avatar, she must be his ATF. I guess I'm too much of a romantic. There are a few ladies that I would choose, even a couple I have never met, but I always felt that would be insensitive to the feelings of the others.
OldGrump's Avatar
daty/o, the insensitivity is what I'd like to avoid. If a guy has an ATF, it is no secret, but how do the other ladies view that? Do they take it as a challenge, mutual admiration, or an insult?
They love it. I have recieved many compliments for using their pic as my avatar.
Free Advertising at it's best, especially if the hobbyist has many posts.
LolaBrea01 told me that i broke her AVATAR cherry and thanked me.
Avatar's don't nessasserly have to indictate ATF but Lola is an ATF.

My avatar's change with whom i visit in a particular time frame.
These are pictures that i personaly took and recieved permission to post.

I have used many ladies as my avatar over the years and never had any complaints. NONE. instead, the reverse is true, they all thanked me, and loved it.
I would love to read some posts from ladies on this subject.

VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I would find it as an honor for someone to use my picture as their avatar. Plain and Simple.
EROS725's Avatar
Actually, I would feel kinda weirded out if someone used me as their avatar.
Rufnex's Avatar
My avatar represents my taste in women. I do have my ATF as well though. But I as well am interested in other provider's opinions when they see a woman in the hobbyist's avatar provider picture or not.
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
I always get fooled, while I am scrolling through threads and I see a really hot pic on an avatar I try to click on the showcase to see more and realize its a guy and he doesn't have a showcase
If I could find a way to have my avatars roll from one to another I would have seven or eight avatars. I have tagged that many women. I am thinking of getting a large rubber stamp made. I have never had any one complain about the picture so I will continue using it.
OldGrump's Avatar
Actually, the one I am thinking of using (if I get permission) is an animated gif that rotates 3 pictures. It is difficult to get very many due to the restrictions on file size for avatars, but mine make the cut.

I'm getting tired of being stuck in a bottle.
  • hd
  • 08-02-2013, 12:44 PM
I have had just a couple providers not comfortable with it, which is fine. but others like to do it, and I don't or would not want to include face pics unless they want it. I've always used a Harley-Davidson theme and include that prop as a gift to them.

We always do the pic first, and that helps break the ice and loosen us up and have fun while I take the pics, and that helps me get wood at the same time.
OldGrump's Avatar
I always get fooled, while I am scrolling through threads and I see a really hot pic on an avatar I try to click on the showcase to see more and realize its a guy and he doesn't have a showcase Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
I'm glad I'm not the only one clicking on a name to find out it's a guy. It helps to look for a showcase first.