To who ever cares

CatMan4u's Avatar
After much thought about the hobby and it's lack of fun I have decided to take a break and give the thought of deleting my account much consideration
Hot Summer's Avatar
I'm not sure how you've lacked fun with all the lovely ladies you've met !
But I do wish you the best hun
DallasRain's Avatar
I will be here for ya babe
tuckahoe's Avatar
The "hobby" is kind of a trap. To say it is not real life is naive.
I can understand how it can be difficult for a woman to have a man show up, whom she has never seen, and know he is expecting intimacy. If I was a woman, there are probably some men I would want to send away. I hope I have never been that man.

It is not so easy for men either, at least not men who really care about others and have a heart. All of us do not take pride in having had a large number of different women. I admire those men who were able to pick one woman and stay with her for life.

For some of us, things didn't work out that way. We are looking for more than just sex; we need warmth and affection. But when we find that with a provider, there is danger in becoming "too" close, and the provider may pull away.

"Hobbying" can be enjoyable and create some beautiful memories, but it is also a hard row to hoe.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Thank you. You are a wise man
I do have a few bad traits
I am needy partly cause I crave affection and partly
Because I have a heart and
Care. I have gotten close to a
Couple that are very special
And they provide for my needs
And I take care of them

I am not looking for more than
A good session with honest
Good times.
Part of mine takeing. A
Break is due to bad treatment from A FEW THAT THINK they are
The absolute best.
I never tried it low ball
The providers.
I used to go for the yard
Sale providers but had
Several bad learning experiences so I went to the mid range ones and have found several that where absolutely great. And I also have on occasion tried the more pricy
Ones and have a few great experiences. But also they
Bring there own baggage
Attitudes. Taking things
That are said the wrong
Intended meaning. And the
Worst thing hours of availability just don't
Work with my very demanding day job. I am not trying to bad mouth anyone. Don't want
Any hurt feelings. Just being
Honest and straight forward
I have reached out to the ones that I care for very much

I need to also take care of few personal things
Bottom line is that I just want to be treated with the same respect that most providers what

I never didn't pay the agreed
Donation thank you all
And if you want to pm me please feel free to
CatMan4u's Avatar
Hope this clarifies my choice and my honest. Didn't step on anyone's toes. That was not
Intended. I was mearly being
DallasRain's Avatar
I am quite happy playing with you..we have a good keep coming to me and we will rock each others socks off lol
CatMan4u's Avatar
Dallas you can count on that
And yes we most definitely
Understand one another. You are one of about 8 who really cares and understands my logic
DallasRain's Avatar
Btw. You left your socks on today lol
tuckahoe's Avatar
Hope this clarifies my choice and my honest. Didn't step on anyone's toes. That was not
Intended. I was mearly being
Honest Originally Posted by CatMan4u

Your post was well written and obviously honest and from the heart. People are often afraid to write what they really think for fear of being put down. I hope none of that will happen here. I hope it will cause people to reflect on themselves, and want to improve themselves. You sound like a good man!
  • AgFox
  • 02-29-2020, 03:38 PM
I’ve slowed down a lot this last year. I’m still horny as ever, but my heart just hasn’t been in it. Kind of got bummed when my ATF retired out of the blue.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Thank you sir. I am a very respected mam in my field and known for telling the truth
Here I tried to not throw stones and show respect but tell it the way I feel. I don't want or expect anything that you or any decent provider would want
A lot of providers read more into my comments then was intended. I just need to back off and let some things clear up
If any lady what's to meet up it discuss this privately the offer is there. Dallas will and already has said that I am
A decent man
Enough said.
DallasRain's Avatar
Ag babe. There some good gals on here who can take her place...js lol
CatMan4u's Avatar
Ag man Dallas beat me to it
I don't know where you are located but I know of some scattered around so pm me if you want to
tuckahoe's Avatar
I’ve slowed down a lot this last year. I’m still horny as ever, but my heart just hasn’t been in it. Kind of got bummed when my ATF retired out of the blue. Originally Posted by AgFox

Exactly what the escort in the video I posted in another thread said happened to men.

It can be difficult to find a replacement. Even though some are good girls, they may not be the one that really does it for you.