Been a Scamdemic and a hot minute....

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Can anyone tell me the status of things here in South la? I've been in Pennsylvania for the past 10 months...and y'all, we have the governor from I'm not sure what's what...anything I need to know? What is open and what closed permanently? Specifically around laffy and BR....

You aren't kidding, our governor is a moron. Bound and determined that there will be no more bars or restaurants in the state by the time he gets done. I went to Connecticut to eat for my birthday.
Quite a few bars and restaurants are closed it's just you know a lot of people want to shake your ground before the pandemic and our president in Congress haven't done the many favors by not putting stimulus in the market I can't blame the governor
Watch Pelosi on Wolf Blitzer and see if you still think that.
In PA, they had things running at 50% capacity. Minor spike, shut it down to 25% AND no bars with just alcohol -0 must have food, because, this is a magic virus I guess and if you eat while drinking, you are safe, but just go drinking and you will get sick. The best part is, they had contact tracing data they published where less than .1% of people who tested positive were in a restaurant or bar. That less than 1 tenth of one percent - so they weren't getting it in bars and restaurants. But close those anyway. Meanwhile Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart - those places are all open and packed. Never closed. An PA joined New York, New Jersey, and Michigan in sending infected patients to nursing homes. Over 40% of the total deaths in PA were in nursing homes. That's borderline criminal. The excuse was lack of hospital space, but the state's own data, freely available on their website, shows that at no time was there a shortage of bed space or ventilators. One county refused to backtrack after reopening started, in a fit more akin to a toddler's tantrum, the governor withheld FEDERAL aid money from that county until they complied.
This is not political conjecture, this is all readily verifiable from multiple news sources as well as the PA Health Department web site.
Many smaller restaurants are closed for good. Some others have been nearly fined out of existence for attempting to stay open. PA still has an idiotic state system of liquor stores - they refused to have them open even for curbside pickup - other states saw soaring liquor sales since heck, if you can't go out to drink, at least you can get stuff at home and drink at home,. But not in PA. HUGE revenue loss for the year just on that. Seriously, the guy is an idiot. And gets away with it because he's halfway through his second term - he can't run again, so it doesn't matter to him how much people hate him.
I need to get out of here for a while, but work has shut down all travel as well, we're all working from home. I would love to come back to Louisiana or Vegas and reconnect with some people. I don't hobby near home, and the pickings are slim locally anyway.
DallasRain's Avatar
I was there on Bourbon St last month

alot of cafes bars or music either
was sad!

Hope ya find some fun!!!!!!!!!!!
iwanacumalot's Avatar
yes the Mayor and the Governor is about to Kill the music scene Bourbon Street Drinkery Started Live music last night for the first time in a long time . As far as i know they are the only club on Bourbon with live music Spirts is open but I do not think they have live music yet . Bratz has been having live music for a few weeks now Felix on the Lake Front has great food and Live music mostly Thursday thu Sunday I know a few bands that have been playing there
yes the Mayor and the Governor is about to Kill the music scene Bourbon Street Drinkery Started Live music last night for the first time in a long time . As far as i know they are the only club on Bourbon with live music Spirts is open but I do not think they have live music yet . Bratz has been having live music for a few weeks now Felix on the Lake Front has great food and Live music mostly Thursday thu Sunday I know a few bands that have been playing there Originally Posted by iwanacumalot

Thanks for that info. great info.

GURL... My fellow Majic lol
No kidding they use it as such of an excuse for not providing the services at these hotels.
I normally stay at The Ritzier hotels with bars, eateries, Jacuzzi, pool

The hotel I just left barely opened the kitchen half way. covid prevents you from putting all the menu items on the menu? No spinach dip but yes chicken wings?
The hotel I am in now coffee place or Eatery is still closed and the Jacuzzi and pool they open at 11????????? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND And only 1 person or family at a time? with a reservation you must tell them when you want to go in and out. but 2 can get in the small elevator! GET OFF THE DAMN GAS.
So you open the pool the hr of check out what kind of stupid shit is that? You can catch covid at 10 a.m. but not 11. And this bullshit of needing time to clean it right...YEAH RIGHT!

At the airport the little luggage rack that cost 5 bucks now is 6 trying to recoup the money they lost it was 19 bucks to grab 2 items to munch on at the airport during my 6 hr delay.
Those same items where either 14 or 16 depending on what airport which is still high as hell.
Speaking of delays the delays have quadrupled at least, That is being generous.

Good thing I do not normally schedule the day I arrive especially when flying who knows what the airports are going to act like

Good luck in your trip Have fun fun fun .
As far as business goes not bad at all I was scared because of all the hits with hurricanes this season they would be in disaster mode.
They are not getting the bigger package like normal but they are still booking.

Its running about 75% to 80% as usual Not as busy but still ok not a busted trip. Which is good when you pay flights, rent a cars, hotels etc. driving all them hrs from where you are?! You for sure do not want to come way down here for nothing.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Wow! Thank you all for the great info, sad tho it is. And obviously one other person is very familiar with our pa governor lol. I'm not gonna get into the political agenda is all about getting back to the business of LIVING, so I'm gonna follow up on some of these things for sure!

I'll be around the LA and NETX area till spring (cept for December) because I simply don't like the cold and snow up north lol. So if anyone learns of stuff opening up, most ESPECIALLY locally owned places, please message me or post on here. We all have to help one another to not just survive, but to Thrive!

Love to all!