Trump’s First Order Of Business…..Fire “Mr Gaslight” Christopher Wray.

Wray got his marching orders from the DNC, “put just enough doubt out there so all of those that are weak minded will say”……..”that guy was really shooting at Trump Supporters, not Trump, so it really wasn’t an attempted assassination”.

Woopie and the View will parrot his words.

See how this works. Just lie. And Lie. And Lie some more.

Wray got his marching orders from the DNC, “put just enough doubt out there so all of those that are weak minded will say”……..”that guy was really shooting at Trump Supporters, not Trump, so it really wasn’t an attempted assassination”.

Woopie and the View will parrot his words.

See how this works. Just lie. And Lie. And Lie some more. Originally Posted by Jackie S

... "maybe just shrapnel" too, mate... Not one o' those
actual bullets... ... Aint this the same bloke
who claimed that Trump colluded with Russia?? ...

This Wray fellow will be out next year! Good Riddance!

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar

Wray got his marching orders from the DNC, “put just enough doubt out there so all of those that are weak minded will say”……..”that guy was really shooting at Trump Supporters, not Trump, so it really wasn’t an attempted assassination”.

Woopie and the View will parrot his words.

See how this works. Just lie. And Lie. And Lie some more. Originally Posted by Jackie S
txdot-guy's Avatar

Wray got his marching orders from the DNC, “put just enough doubt out there so all of those that are weak minded will say”……..”that guy was really shooting at Trump Supporters, not Trump, so it really wasn’t an attempted assassination”.

Woopie and the View will parrot his words.

See how this works. Just lie. And Lie. And Lie some more. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Your conclusion of intent is ridiculous. Trump merely has a really thin skin and is easily offended.
Your conclusion of intent is ridiculous. Trump merely has a really thin skin and is easily offended. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Most people would get offended when a Bureaucratic Swamper pulls a gaslighting stunt like that.

The FBI, to their credit, is cleaning up his mess.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Oh please this is a stunt by the Trump campaign. By refusing to cooperate with the FBI investigation they created the very circumstances necessary to feed their grievance machine. If they had cooperated by releasing the medical records and allowed the doctor to talk to the FBI then this would be a moot issue. As it stands now they get to campaign on the issue by claiming this is further proof that the FBI is out to get them.

A manufactured narrative, Or in other words a load of bullshit.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Oh please this is a stunt by the Trump campaign. By refusing to cooperate with the FBI investigation they created the very circumstances necessary to feed their grievance machine. If they had cooperated by releasing the medical records and allowed the doctor to talk to the FBI then this would be a moot issue. As it stands now they get to campaign on the issue by claiming this is further proof that the FBI is out to get them.

A manufactured narrative, Or in other words a load of bullshit. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
EDIT for clarification. Apparently My TDS was acting up this morning when I posted this. There is no evidence of the Trump campaign withholding information from the investigation. I’m guilty of passing on bad info.

However I do believe that this is a perfect example of the kind of grievance politics that is practiced by Trump.
EDIT for clarification. Apparently My TDS was acting up this morning when I posted this. There is no evidence of the Trump campaign withholding information from the investigation. I’m guilty of passing on bad info.

However I do believe that this is a perfect example of the kind of grievance politics that is practiced by Trump. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

WRONG, the swamp and Democrats lied on purpose to mislead the public yet again. When the FBI testifies two weeks after the event and it was clear a bullet hit Trumps ear, Wray totally lied on purpose. It should be totally obvious to anyone.
... It was obvious to the FBI - as they surely needed to
quickly CORRECT Christopher Wray's stupid comment.

#### Salty
There is no low that the Dems will not stoop to in order to attempt to portray Harris as anything but a a Left Wing Kackling Loon and Trump as the epitome of evil.

Trump is possibly the hardest working person to ever be President, and Harris is a lazy, stupid Cunt.