Anyone out there

Indiana Bone's Avatar
Just checking to see if anyone else is out in Miss. other than me and Melissa. Come on guys and gals lets step up to the plate. Thanks to Melissa for joining at my request.
hope we get alot of activity here,always looking for a good time
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
Well you've got at least one more MS member.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Because of the announcement a couple days ago that ASPD is folding up its tent and closing, a number of ASPD folks who hung out in the Arkansas forums have joined up. I suspect we may see some folks from MS here soon, though April Showers has been steering a lot of them towards another forum.

Me, I've joined several.


DallasRain's Avatar
hiya....happy new years to all!!
Happy New Year to all.
Indiana Bone's Avatar
Glad to see that The Usual Suspects are starting to show up.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Glad to see that The Usual Suspects are starting to show up. Originally Posted by Indiana Bone
Hey, I was very glad to see one of My Favorite Mississippi Dawgs here to greet us when we got here.

Though I have to confess a little disappointment; reading older threads I noticed that you never did bring us up to date on your success (or lack thereof) with the married ladies. Though if that adventure had you dodging a divorce summons or an enraged husband with a handgun, I can understand why you would keep the outcome under wraps, so don't feel obligated to fill us in here and now.


Lea Madisson's Avatar
I am here now!!!! Woohoo!!
Good to see ya here Lea
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I am here now!!!! Woohoo!! Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Cue the orgy in three... two... one...


leglover05's Avatar
Better late than never.(lol) Hello guys and gals and Happy New Year!
hope this is as fun and detailed as aspd
leglover05's Avatar
I am sure it will be or time. I think we are all trying to get use too this new board. It's tough beiing a "new kid on the block" all over again.(lol)
I hope it does get better, I like the way it's setup. We just need to get more of the ladies over here. The Mi______-live site kinda sucks and is really hard to look at, everything is so small, at my age I may need to magnify the page to look at it.LOL