When considering TOFTT, do you ...?

Just curious to hear what other people consider before TOFTT? Just to clarify things, by TOFTT - I mean risking it to see somebody who has no info whatsoever and pictures show no duplicates from anywhere else.

In particular, I'm considering TOFTT for this cutie:

As I'm writing this, I realize either her pimp or bf is in the picture because you can see him taking a pic in the mirror ... lol ... so that's a strike haha.

For me? I, of course, look up the number and pics. If it looks like they travel around and the dates are different, I feel more comfortable that they aren't LE - which would be the worst case. I'll never see someone that uses fake pics but claim they are real pics. The girl in the link above, I'm not sure if those are fake or not - but it looks like some are and some aren't because 3 of the pictures don't show face (probably real) and the ones that do show face are probably the fake ones. I also look for how the communicate and talk on the phone. If they sound lazy or have a smoker's voice - I won't see them. I try to look for that happy medium of being realistic. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. If it's really cheap - you get what you pay for and it's probably not the person in the pics.

Anyway, after all that - it comes down to gut. Just curious how anyone else handles it.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I'm 95% certain I will not see a girl without any information on her-- i.e. I'm not likely to cruise BP ads and pick out a girl and say "hey, I'm going to fuck her based solely on the info in her ad". In that instance, I won't TOFTT. Back in the day, almost every date was TOFTT when dealing with agency girls. Then again, review sites and hobbyists comparing notes was unheard of. Looking back on that time, it was risky on so many different levels.

On the other hand, I will TOFTT if I have reliable information on the lady, but she doesn't have a track record in the local area. For instance, a fellow hobbyist out of town gives me a head's up on a girl new to my area or traveling to my area. I did this with Holly. I got wind of her, and while not the first guy here to see her, I do consider TOFTT with her because I had determined to see her. In another situation, I heard through the grapevine about a girl willing to see a select number of guys. She had yet to see anyone. I think she saw 3 guys pretty much within the same week. Can't remember if I was first or not, but I consider that TOFTT.
Bobby Ewing's Avatar
I have TOFTT at the beach with 3 BP gals this vacation. They all showed-up and were great. One was exceptional!

I would never have found any of them otherwise.

Like you, I check numbers and other pics. Then I text, a lot. I never give them all the info. For example, I give them the address of the resort I am staying in. Then when they say they are on property, I tell them the floor. Then when they are on the floor, I look out the windows. Then finally, I open the door. I never tell them the unit number. If they insist, I tell them the wrong unit number. I actually had one knocking on the wrong door, while texting me, "I'm knocking on the door". I had to run down the hall and get her. Fortunately, the unit she was knocking on was empty.
I believe TOFTT means you don't have any reliable information. I always search a female's phone # on the web. If I don't see any reviews, but there is consistency in terms of different ads/pics with the same female in the pics, then I'll take a chance and see them.