Snowden Releases Statement

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Edward Snowden has releasted a statement via Wikileaks.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-01-2013, 10:57 PM
Amazing how it took this fine upstanding individual multiple hard drives of data to tell his story.

I have always wondered what was so complex about his story that he had to steal so many files and carry them away with him.

The real answer is he is a disgusting traitor. As low a scum as exists in the social and political world. He plies simple statements that fixated people like COG latch on to without a second thought about all the other trappings that do not smell right.

And of course it is completely coincidental which countries opened their arms for him--those freedom of the press loving places. Any bets how warmly he would have been received if he didn't have NSA hard drives with him, ones that are totally unnecessary to tell his "I am a persecuted hero" lies? Any guess what his life expectancy would be if he walked out of the Russian or Chinese spy establishments and outed their secrets? But of course they would smile and applaud him if he did that--just look at how they welcome him for being the "honest man" simpletons like COG want to make him out to be.

COG supports him because he is a simple minded fixated zealot who can't see the reality.

Then there are the RWWs how support him because it's a Dem in the White House, but would have been the first to volunteer for the firing squad if it was in the Bush era. This is one where Dem & Rep alike should call for his condemnation as a traitor. Too bad for the wacked out loudmouth few they can only see what their RWW handlers tell them to believe.
Gitmo is too good for him ..He should have to live with COG.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I'm not sure about Snowden, but he is right to say the administration, any administration, should fear an angry, informed public. We need an angry, informed public.
Hope Iceland lets him in....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hope Iceland lets him in.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
fuck you, Bjork!
Snowden is being stupid now.

Affiliating with wikileaks - bad idea.

Running instead of putting the US gov't on trial - bad idea

All this talk of hard drives, giving the Chinese info, etc. is mostly hearsay and propaganda. he ain't said it and the US does not have him in custody to know exactly what the hell he has on him.

The one thing he has accomplished is making the government look impotent.
flghtr65's Avatar

COG supports him because he is a simple minded fixated zealot who can't see the reality.

Then there are the RWWs how support him because it's a Dem in the White House, but would have been the first to volunteer for the firing squad if it was in the Bush era. This is one where Dem & Rep alike should call for his condemnation as a traitor. Too bad for the wacked out loudmouth few they can only see what their RWW handlers tell them to believe. Originally Posted by Old-T
+10,000 Originally Posted by flghtr65
This little punk has turned into a useful idiot for those that wish to listen.

I agree with what Bob Beckle on Fox New' "5" said. If he does't get back here and face our Judicial System, they will find him in an alley with a bullet in the back of his head.
And if that happens; Snowden will be proven to be right and the Obama administration to be corrupt - No different than Putin or other world bullies !

...they will find him in an alley with a bullet in the back of his head. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Odd how the right wing loves a traitor
How the fuck could Snowden get a fair trial in the US ?

Almost everything he could offer in his defense would be ruled not admissible due to "national secrets"...............not to mention that the jury pool has been tainted by the Snowden-The-Traitor propaganda bullshit you all are buying into.
He isn't a traitor; you have gulped the kool aid..............

What information has Snowden released that has endangered Americans ?

Odd how the right wing loves a traitor Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If he couldn't keep secrets, he should have chosen another profession where the consequences aren't to grave for fucking up. Walmart greeter? Pizza delivery? Javelin catcher?

He simply couldn't handle the pressure of the job and went rogue. Even YOU have read books about that, right WhirlyduMp?

You're making this about the "quality" of the secrets he leaked, not the action of leaking them.

Brilliant. Back to Diamonds and Diuchebags with you!