Why Only Are People Getting "Red Pilled?" Why Aren't People Getting "Blue Pilled?"

HoHound's Avatar
There's no doubt. People of all demographics are leaving the Democrat Party in Droves. Black people, Latinos, young people, women, even gays are seeing the light, and jumping ship. Why aren't people fleeing the Republican party en masse? It really does seem to be a "one way street." I just don't understand. Someone help me out.

Because people are realizing that the Democrat Party is the Party of Ultra Woke, Socialist, Left Wing Idiots that want to turn The United States into a Socialist Shit Hole.
txdot-guy's Avatar
There's no doubt. People of all demographics are leaving the Democrat Party in Droves. Black people, Latinos, young people, women, even gays are seeing the light, and jumping ship. Why aren't people fleeing the Republican party en masse? It really does seem to be a "one way street." I just don't understand. Someone help me out.

Originally Posted by HoHound
Let me enlighten you. People have already left the Republican party in droves years ago during the 2016 election.

It’s called the Never Trump Movement.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There's no doubt. People of all demographics are leaving the Democrat Party in Droves. Black people, Latinos, young people, women, even gays are seeing the light, and jumping ship. Why aren't people fleeing the Republican party en masse? It really does seem to be a "one way street." I just don't understand. Someone help me out.

Originally Posted by HoHound
There is really very little data to support your claims. Polls show some movement for Blacks and Latinos moving to the Republican side. Young people will support Harris over Trump. Certainly the LGBTQ people are not moving to the Republican party.

Trump lost in 2020 primarily because suburban woman who supported him in 2016 abandoned him in 2020 in huge numbers. Women still overwhelmingly supported Biden in 2024 and I expect Harris will have a positive impact on women who might have been thinking about voting for Trump.

Polls in the next 2 weeks should be interesting. On january 1, 2024 Harris' approval rating was -17.3%, Today it is -11.8%. Trump is -12.0%.